Final solution to the ap mine question

AP mines should cost 1000 silver per use as a resupply mechanic. If the funds can’t be paid the player will owe silver equal to the amount spent, stacking indefinitely and not allowing the player to purchase anything else except AP mines until the silver balance is in the positives again.


This is not going to go well with the community. Lol I can already hear it.

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Terrible idea. Never add equipment costs. And Im saying this as a player who could afford it with 7+ million silver. Delete this post

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True veterans with over 20 million silver can still spam as they want🤣

Ah resupply costs. Can’t wait to see that slippery slope its way to squad replenishment

I don’t like ap mines and want to see them limited, but this ain’t it. The mines themselves are fine. It’s just their spamming that annoys me since you aren’t really limited to how many can be deployed. We don’t want resupply cost especially in a game where silver income is already poor.

I’m in favor of a limit to how many each player can have actively deployed, but I’m undecided on what that number should be.

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With that theory, then why not everyone have to pay to resupply their ammo, mines, grenades and med kits after every game? Why not make tank, APC and plane users pay to repair their damage after every game? :thinking: This is opening Pandora’s box if we start charging to resupply “certain weapons” that certain people don’t like as everyone will demand weapons they don’t like to be pay to resupply. :roll_eyes:

Lot’s of things I dislike about the game, but I learned to bitch, play, overcome and finally adapt. I absolutely HATED APC mines for the longest time, then finally said f**k it, adapted and now use them very effectively where the majority of games I play I end up as battle hero as the explosive master :rofl:. Are to many of them being used? Probably! But I can say the same about artillery. :yum:

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Yea they should do something about ap mines like limit the number of ap mines/player. But looking at your post. I only see a noob crying

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they should just enable friendly fire on mines (and most HE spam). you would see game improve a lot (after suffering for few months from friendly fire).


How about adding a 2-3 second setup time for mines with an appropriate animation where you crouch down and arm them, but otherwise keep them same? I mean even regular grenades need to cook and they removed quick throw to balance them being spammed.

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I like the suggesstion maybe use it for every kind of mines (excluding TNT and japs. Kamikaze-thingo), but silver owing should not be possible

another stupid idea against mines becausr they cant shoot them,throw a grenade or watch their steps,skill issue basically,but nobody points to the american rocket spam cycle who is far worse

It would make battles slower which most casuals wouldn’t like that, the only solution is realistic battles which would include things such FF, no pen indicators etc., it would be the “hard mode” I could wait half an hour to queue up for a game, perfect game mode for veterans.

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“But what about the children?”
Anything else for once?

I say just limit them to engineers and snipers. At worst people spam engineers and might accidently build something like a rally and snipers at least dont got much to the front.

Its been somewhat frequent subject for ~2 ? years now.

Then again, this being broken is fine because this other thing is broken.
Doesnt really make sense.


well for me AP mines arent really a problem (and i run into them a lot). problem is that friendly players can go over those mines like they dont exist (same with arty fire, bombs and rockets). it is stupid that HE spam obliterates enemy and friendly players inside the same HE spam are just little concussed.

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same as mines but they got nerfed when they aren’t op, so screwd it and nerf plane rockets too

Agree with the no team dmg. Then again, looking at the average players of the game I honestly dont think theyd give a whistling fk do they kill teammates or no with mines / arty / other explosives.
So in that sense it would be just broken for both parties attackers / defenders.

I dont recall any mine nerfs ? Unless something has happened in past 2 days I can still drop 9 mines with 0 effort.
