Final sale in the store

“Tiger 2 fought at Kursk” nice fact bro.

Arbitrarily I’m suggesting to the devs to allow me to wait longer – what’s your problem with me waiting longer?

Nice to meet you, sorry I am older and can’t speak with 12 year olds really.

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You can play this game completely for free. So it’s still less than 6-8 euros for nearly ten years old AAA game. :man_shrugging:
Thinking this game would survive if they were selling premium squad for 10 euros at max, that’s just hilarious.
There’s few big 50% sales every year, so if you really want some premium squad, you can buy pretty cheap.
I really don’t understand logic of those people… Majority of playerbase is playing thisreste completely f2p, yet they’re crying about something that will never ever have any impact on them. I really don’t get it why sonmany people don’t understand f2p concept of game. This game is constantly work on, its live services. Comparing it to one job AAA game is just hilarious.
There’s nothing expensive in premium squads if you are comparing to other f2p games. Or you don’t have to even compare it to f2p games at all… Have you ever heard about star citizen, lmao? :man_shrugging: That’s super expensive non released game that would blow your mind ig.

One big :+1: for you, yet I still cannot agree with rest.


When are we going to be told the exchange ratio for orders in the new system?

is the level 4 soldiers and weapons going to be turned off on may 12th?

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I care. I originally started playing this game a couple years ago, because it was relatively historically accurate. But as Veekay has said:



Be mindful of the bottomless-pit (in the context of arguing with illogical people).

Overall, good job :+1:
pruvate ryan 2

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lol. A minority opinion to be sure.

The “realistic” WW2 games have player numbers in the thousands.

The “unrealistic” WW2 games have player numbers in the hundreds of thousands.

Darkflow’s changes will increase the numbers of players in the game.

Trying to mod the game to your opinion will cost them players.

Ah yes… because an increase in prices is going to bring more people to the game.
Did you know the United States is currently in an economic recession?
How are the other world economies performing?
Are high volumes of new players, magically going to appear (because of an update), and start shelling out hundreds of dollars for overpriced premium content?

Sorry, but I’ll believe it when I see it. There are far too many titles/options for new players to choose from, which cost a fraction of the price. Why would new players spend hundreds of dollars for premium content, when they could spend $60 for a FULL GAME, and maybe some DLC’s on the cheap .

Just because they are introducing a new progression system, does not mean the game is magically going to be fixed. Currently standing, there are still many bugs and issues that have not been resolved.
Do you predict these issues will be remedied by the update?
Do you think there will be more issues, or less, than we currently have now?

Is customer service prepared to answer high volumes of complaints from players who have lost purchases/money?
Is DF prepared to handle a high volume of bug-reports (and prepared to fix ALL BUGS as they appear?)
Is the new update going to include a higher quality of developer-player communication (like the community has been asking).

I mean… if they are going to be charging so much money for each premium item… then you’d expect to have a fully-functioning customer-service/support/feedback/communication.

Nah… Some of us simply want to keep the game focused on it’s original description. Rather than veering off into fantasyland, based off entirely fictional scenarios that never occured during WW2.

There’s too many titles in the marketplace, for this game to simply blend-in with all the rest.


There are so many tired factual inaccuracies in all of this that I do believe actually arguing with you is pointless.

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I didn’t intend to argue. Just laying out the variables that need be taken into account.

I’m tired of empty promises. Time will tell, whether the new progression system/campaign merging is a success… or if it’s riddled with problems.


Is this the game I should spend 50+Euro ? Don’t be silly…
And It’s now almost every game on Pacific (allies) … and after I will finish last level (on which I’m working now)… i will leave the pacific campaign in the dust too.

No one is forcing you to spend any money on this game. This game has a lot problems and stuff that needs to be fixed/reworked, yeah. :man_shrugging: But I still like & will support with hope devs will care about it and make it better.
If you think this game is getting worse and worse, you can always just stop playing it.

But I see devs are trying to do something with big issues of this game, they listen to community (which always isn’t something good), so I think they deserve my money.
If it’s not enough for you, you don’t need to buy anything at all and still play this game.

But I guess crying about something that that’s imperfect is so easy…

Do you really thing that I’m the one who is most important for this game ? No, I’m not… The thing is that if the game should grow in numbers of player… this shit shows cut happen but should be rare and not almost every game. Sumner or later will player who prefers to play allies leave the game (no campaign) and that’s the beginning of the end :parachute:.

Ok then lets us know whats major changes (in detail) will look like and then provide us some sales will be fair business practices… :eyes:

I completly Agree with you … and its sad that I need to cry for such basic thing as MM… :joy:

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That’s your opinion :man_shrugging: I don’t think reality will be so dramatic, lol.

Hopefully both will happen soon.
The Q&A on topic of upcoming tech tree/merging was supposed to be released on end of april, yet they had some difficulties with it (I guess). But I think we will see it soon tho.

And most probably there’ll be sales related to celebrating Anniversary end of wwii. How relevant or big? I don’t know.

MM is never ending story in this type of games. Playerbases of WoT/WT are crying about MM for ten years consistently.

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I know many players who quit the game because of this issue… even Devs. know about that.

They could just let simply increased the queue time till at least 5 players will be on both sides (instead of creating every one minute 1vs5 games). You want to play side on which is much more player? Ok but you will wait…
Good thing is that a lot of player will have reason to return into the game after fixin this nonsence… :man_facepalming:

Hope so, maybe then i’ll be willing to support devs ones again with buying of some premium units…

That could be truth - yes, yet I don’t think it will be end of this game tho, lol.

Surely, you are just waaaay smarter than devs and solution is so easy… The problem is way more complex than it seems. Number of players is irrelevant. Problem is mentality of playerbase, they don’t like to lose. So they’ll always move to faction that is somewhat most probably to win at certain time. They could increase waiting time to infinity and it wouldn’t still help with balance.
You can’t balance matches in which can join random number of players with competitive mentality and complete casuals at same time. And seperating them is just impossible.
There will be always completely one sided matches. They just need to reduced them to minimum as much as they can.

Hope so bro cuz i like the game…

I need to disagree, that would help at least to do not play every game with full bot team. Is better to lose because of the enemy team are better players than, because they are Player (your team are bots).

I dont need completly balance MM (its fairy tail), I just cry for to play with others player in team insted of creating full bot team after 1minite in queue vs almost full team of players.

Back to the topic… this was the question. If the game in this state deserve my money (support).

It´s nice from you that you told me my rights like: do need to buy/ do need to play…

But imagine that I will buy Premium Unit for 50Euro (even in sale for 30Euro but there are even more expensive ones) for one side, from some reason player will stop to play that side (like allies in Pacific) so I will lose almost every game because of bot team vs player. I don´t think it’s OK, lol…

your answer will be that they are working on it… ok I take it and my is … Do it, and I will thing about to buy premium units (even they are pretty expensive) But Im not brainless zombie to spend my money because of SALE.

PS: its pity that such greet SALE is coming now and not after The Q&A

This is what is called anecdotal evidence. Hard evidence (WW2 games over the last 15 years and F2P games over the last 15 years) clearly shows that these changes will make the game more mainstream and should make it much more successful.

Of course that it is anecdotal evidence, cuz we dont have official playerbase count data…

Truly Hope so…

What happens to extra slots I got in the Stalingrad? It is not explained here and there is no reason I should loose something I literally paid money for

Hey f2ps, lets get some popcorn going this should be fun