FG42/II Balancing


Every time man:every time people have no chill

Stop talking so much, is this the only place you socialise?

all you did was prove ur a bum

Soon, my favourite coffee loving, mustache bearing mod, will come flying down here, and SMITE this unholy thread with his mighty hammer of justice!

Of that I’m pretty sure…


yeah… mods have no chill :stuck_out_tongue: i miss those threads that could get over 300-400 posts in one night just to be gone next day… mods are too effective nowadays…



In this case here I can easily understand why it would close. It’s going nowhere and is just a bunch of insults thrown from all sides.

atleast a lot of people mustve seen the point of this post

Tbh discussions about recoil in this game are just stupid because there is no real recoil in this game.

yes, she is not normal, just because she is random. No one is saying that it is difficult to control, it is IMPOSSIBLE to control, because it is random. I don’t understand what kind of nonsense you are writing

but it’s very easy to say that the avt 40’s output is better, even if it’s not

Well, apparently you are not one of these 99% of the players

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even more stupid is the claim that random returns are better than non-random returns

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Skill issue then.

I dont know. You are literally first one who is too dumb to use the AVT so its kinda newground for anyone else.

If 1% cant use its output, it must be really bad I guess.
On the other hand, not being able to use one of the best rifles in the game after hundreds of matches while almost everyone else can even with less hours seems to be new level of high skill I didnt face so far.

Yeah because we all still can use it despite being IMPOSSIBLE to use.
Trulely a shame I guess.

Not my fault if you take it serious I guess.
Or are we supposed to take shitty gameplay serious as well?


The return is RANDOM

It can be used, but you cannot, as with fg 42 2, clamp the entire store to a point

She’s one of the best literally because we only have a few automatic rifles.

oh god, 1% proves to me that avt 40 can be controlled at the level of fg 42 2

You can use anything, it is IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL it COMPLETELY

Yes, you’ll probably show me how to shoot with an avt 40 so that the entire magazine could be pinched to a point with its RANDOM behavior.

I still can’t understand how a person doesn’t want to admit the obviously random recoil of a weapon and even recognizes it as more convenient

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If everyone but me cant use the weapon despite the “random” IMPOSSIBLE recoil whatsoever, my conclusion would also be to blame the game, the data miners and everyone else but me.

I cant understand how a person uses 1000 different adjectives that are the opposite from each other and stull thinks his issues automically apply to everyone use even if it cleary doesnt.
If the little random recoil is so IMPOSSIBLE, why does it take two years and one person to be considered a issue at all?

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The FG-42/II is already super easy to use and has hardly any recoil as is. Adding a bayonet, while neat and historical, would only make it more powerful than it needs to be.
8 Magazines is obscene, especially considering the fact that 9-man riflemen squads can all equip these things en mass. I main Germany and using the FG-42/II just makes me feel dirty.

…Scrolling down and seeing the AVT vs. FG-42 debate, the AVT is much more difficult to control in full auto in the game just as it was in real life, the AVS-36 has the same issue. I deliberately avoid using the AVT and only use it in extreme close quarters like Berlin or Stalingrad tractor factory for this reason.

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Maybe with later AVT-40s with the simplified muzzle brake, but I’ve spoken with someone who had converted there SVT-40 into an AVT-40 and he claims that the recoil is somewhat comparable to a SCAR-17 in .308 with a 13 inch barrel, and that rifle is known to have a controllable foward recoil impulse that kills scopes not designed for the weapon. (Like an air rifle)

However just because the AVT-40 is very controllable and you can keep it steady does not mean that the guns vibration won’t cause you to miss multiple shots at extended ranges.