Do you have am M2? How good is it on semi auto?
i like the idea of not limiting the guns more open more choices
Flexibility - exactly!
to be honest its ok but it alot like the m1 not much difference but on full atuo u cant hit the anything at 100 m past it takes 4 shots to kill a downed person but close up it works ok but not as good as the fg 42 which has crazy range compared to m2 on semi
i have an m2 for every trooper since the nerf for the grand u want me to be close up fine ill go close up since im not allowed to snipe in semi mode effectively
Iâm not a fan of the m1 carbine the sights are bad and doesnât hit hard enough. But thatâs disappointing, I was hoping it would be decent at mid range as well. Most of the fighting that really matters is CQB on cap points so as long as its good at that Iâll look forward to using it.
its ok the recoil is insane tap dont just spray and pray it work if there close but thats it
yeah because they have something the germans donât: a functioning team
First, imho the ammo supply for ALL primary weapons for all classes in game is too restricted. This may be a gameplay choice, but sure as hell it is also intended to push people into walleting their way to large ammo pouches.
Second, as I already said in another thread, here we are. People who already enjoyed playing the best all factions have to offer, yet now they are like âwell yes, it needs a nerf, latecomers donât deserve to have funâŚâ
(Meaning both Allied and Axis)
They want you to rely on engineers.
Nobody wants to coordinate or ask for ammo so they moan and screech on the forums.
I dontâ think so - you can always get another mag from any surviving AI members, and engineers come in at a low level - so large ammo pouches are not particularly necessary.
IMO they are jsut to give a vaguely level playing field, and to mgive some troops better feel for their role - eg gunners & assaulters get ammo for fast firing LMGâs and SMGâs.
Works quite well as a gameplay device IMO. As above for large ammo pouches.
Now the German in Normandy is ridiculous. Before Fg42 was nerfing.As you see Allies tank and plane ex:Jumbo ,A20 is overpowered than German Pz IV H or Ju188c. And now Fg42 is nerfed so I recommend new player go to playing allies instead of German .
lol - such fantasies!
Bar is classified as lmg in game and it has lmg ammo count. Also bar is only usable by gunners. If every trooper could use it then it would get that 30 ammo or 2 magazine count.
If you watch closely, fg42 is classified as semi auto rifle so it has same ammo count as other semis. And also same class restrictions(almost none)
All rifles require more ammunition. Machine guns and assault rifles have 5 magazines, rifles 2-3. That said, an assault infantry squad can have 4 submachine guns and 1 machine gun (and 2 more rifles), just 1 less than the âterribly strongâ 6-man engineer squads with FG 42.
It annoys me that with both g43 and Garand and FG 42 you donât have enough ammo for more than 4-6 kills.
Rifles need 60-80 rounds of ammunition.
Indeed they do, but it looks like the devs are deliberately keeping the rifle ammo count low for at least three reasons:
- Balancing factor - do you want more ammo? Use ammo pouches, giving up the options to carry extra grenades or medikits instead.
- Incentive to purchase - Do you want to unlock those large pouches earlier? Pay to speed up!
- (possible) Gameplay choice to discourage static camping and promote âYOLOâ rushing tactics (âIâm almost dry on ammo, I may as well charge in, die and spawn a new squadâŚâ) in order to keep the game relatively fast-paced.
British riflemen carried 50 rounds each - plus magazines for the section Bren
In the context of this game 25 is fine - you get ammo pouches and ammunition supply at engineer-built points
YupâŚExcept I wont do it. Not playing with anything that is obviously OP.