Way back on 8 April there was an update in which the amount of ammo was standardized - the update announcement is here: Update - News - Enlisted
In it was this:
so if the FG42 used to have more ammo then that was a bug, which has now been corrected. Indeed with 40 rounds it still has more ammo than at least some other SLR’s
y’all got the benefit of the mistake for a couple of months - now stop whining and cope like everyone else had to!
Except FG42 wasn’t considered as “self-loading rifle”. It was a damn machine gun and as such was brought into the game (those who played in first Berlin test probably remember that it was gunner weapon back then), that devs for no reason decided to give for every trooper.
Let’s just face it - this isn’t “fixing a mistake”. It is duct tape fix for the problem of those weapons present on the battlefield. Instead of limiting both FG and M2 devs decided to nerf FG and call it a work done well.
Lol, the allies are OP in this game, and everyone is talking about it, so any nerfs to non-allied weapons is premature. Premature until the allies in general are nerfed, or the Germans get better options.
Until then PPD’s will continue to be noob meta boy guns just like the SMG’s in most of the other FPS games they are in. GG.
(pre-nerf) FG42 at 100 kill capacity
M2 at 45 kill capacity
(post-nerf) FG42 at 40 kill capacity
M1 Carbine at 37 kill capacity
Garand at 32 kill capacity
Gewehr at 30 kill capacity
Lee-Enfield at 30 kill capacity
All other bolt actions at 25 kill capacity
This works for fixing a balance issue so long as it remains a trooper weapon.
Automatic rifle that was designed to fulfill almost every task, including fire support, exactly like machine guns are supposed to do. Wierd hybird, combining LMG with infantry rifle, that was supposed to be jack of all trades for Fallschirmjaeger.
This isn’t “quasi-historical gymnastics”, like you called it.
And even if you want to go that way. BAR is also “automatic rifle”. Let’s limit its ammo to two magazines too.
I main Germany when I play Berlin and my advice is that you need to learn to be within 200m of the objective before you can convince anyone that it’s not a learn-to-play issue.
It literally fits zero characteristics of a machine gun. (Just because BATFE considers all things automatic a machine gun does not make it so, that’s a matter of law)
@8383908 just encourage them to play allies. They then play allies and are disappointed.
Then why it has LMG ammo limits?
Automatic, self loading rifle - 2 magazines it is.
Just to clarify - I don’t really want to limit BARs ammo.
I just want to point that there is no logic behind calling that FG42 nerf “fixing the mistake” and using that old patchnote to justify such statement.
The mistake was to even give FG to every trooper. And this nerf is simply a duct tape fix for a problem that devs themself created because noone would even care about it if FG was a gunner weapon.
I’m not referring to game theory. Obviously the devs could call it a snufalufagus if they wanted to.
I don’t pretend to know why the ammo limits are as they are. Don’t really care. I have ammo pouches.
Simply stating the FG-42 would fall under the classification of a battle rifle. It’s select-fire, external box magazine fed weapon with a separately articulated stock and grip. It was definitely meant to operate in a variety of roles in a pinch.
seems fair - BAR might not have been the ideal LMG, but that’s the slot it was put into in US infantry squads, and the slot it is in Enlisted - only useable by gunners.
You want to limit the FG-42 in the same way and “make it a LMG”?? Well yeah - that would be consistent.