FG 42 nerf? No ... fixing a mistake

bollocks - like the other guy said - if it is being allowed as an SLR then it gets all the SLR limits like all other SLR’s. If you treat it like a LMG then sure it gets more ammo but it then gets limited to gunners.

What’s not logical about that?


These German Mains be like

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That would be sensible - but doesn’t address whether it “is” an LMG or SLR and hence how much ammo…

Tough question. This treads completely into game theory so IDK.

I’m seeing articles stating anywhere from 2 thousand to 10 thousand units were made.

With how many fallschirmjaeger units there were I am confident very few were purefleeted to FG42s.

I’d rather see couple FG42s in a fallschirmjaeger squad rather than a purefleet.

I say this as someone who has a number of FG42s in my inventory.

Ultimately before you start making balancing passes, when you are introducing a weapon you have to determine if it’s rare or common. I’d prefer guns that were rare in the war stay relatively rare or at least not wholesale replacing all K98s in a squad.

Locking it to fallschirmjaeger will make fallschirmjaeger, encountering them or playing them, feel unique and substantive. German airborne made a name for themselves through out the war and just like introduction of a US Ranger unit I’d want that experience to feel good.


That’s what I missed about the old pure-RNG weapon box system. You couldn’t just take silver orders and cherry pick the best weapons for your squads.
Better weapons were more rare.


I didn’t see the old system as that much of a problem.

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yes - that is an “economy” issue that Enlisted completely ignores, to its detriment IMO.

Just take away the semi auto function, and dont mess with the ammo. The only thing the Germans really have going for them infantry weapon wise in this game is their MMG’s, and whatever you want to call the FG42. The game is unbalanced in favor of the allies, and yet we’re nerfing German weapons???

Oh really??

It’s not a nerf - the weapon has had a bug when it" escaped" the ammo restrictions were bought in for everything else.

This is how it should always have been - it’s not even a balance thing - it is bring it into the model in the place intended for it.


I have been maining the Germans, and have been mostly Moscow, because Normandy is a fucking joke right now it is so imbalanced.

THE ONLY REASON, that I am playing the Germans is, because the allies are OP. I know this, because I started playing this game as the, Russians, and quickly realized they were OP. Then after playing both sides in Normandy I experienced the same result. I was telling everyone the Normandy campaign was unbalanced in favor of U.S. when all the U.S. players were still crying over how hard the beach was, lol. That beach is fucking easy, and it always has been.

I my thing in games is to never play with anything that is OP, and its pretty easy to figure out what that is pretty soon.

All you guys playing the Allies with all of your justifications are straight up bitch boys right now. I am an American, my Grandfather fought and saw alot of action in Europe, including Normandy. My character is even named after him, but I still wont play as the Allies, because they are OP. This game is unbalanced, and if your telling yourself anything different you are a fucking delusional BB.


ah - so no actual specifics - you should raise a thread to discuss them if you have any BTW

I must really suck then - cos allied teams I’m in in Normandy win about 50% of the time.

Was the same in Moscow.

Sucks to be me - wish my teams were OP.


Sounds like you need to get good spanky. Oh wait, you cant, because you always do whats OP and easy, lol. The games sides being unbalanced is a major topic of discussion in most places that I have visited, and that is most if not all of them.


I main German on all campaigns.

I have a squad with full fg42s as a non premium.
Since I have a engineer on that squad. This fix changes nothing in my point of view.

Also, it was an welcome fix imo. Fg42 as a trooper weapon with 120 ammo was just wrong.

Gj devs.


yeah - I get about 50% wins so I’m “always [doing what’s] OP and easy”…

There’s people whining everywhere you are? :thinking:

quelle surprise.

Fair enough I dont even have them unlocked yet. I’m just taking part in this discussion, because I think its fucked that the Germans are taking nerfs in this game, before the allies do, which is greatly needed.

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I take 50% wins as well tiger, but that has nothing to do with the weapons, and balance. It has everything to do with being on teams with skill and experience or not.

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Actually its probably 40/60. Sometimes you just get put on the side that has all passive, and/or noobs.

So weapons have nothing to do with it, yet you want the allies nerfed??


Make up your mind dude… but I’m not going to walk through your whining any more.


I have used the FG42 and used it quite a bit by now and can honestly say it’s a very enjoyable gun to play with. I’m not too fussed about the ammo nerf tbh all the guys who I have that use it run large ammo packs so you get I think 20/60 as of today and I have a habit of building ammo near my rally points.

People shouldn’t consider the FG42 an lmg it only has 20 round clip it’s more of a battle rifle. The full auto feature I only use for CQB when I’m going round a corner and know there might be 2 to three people in there preferably not more than that. At mid to long range you will find it much easier to just use the semi auto and double tap people thus wasting less ammo.

Having the FG42 open to all classes means that as a trooper or engineer etc you actually have a chance in most situations against other classes such as assaults and machine gunners. If the FG gets class locked I think that will just lead us into people running 2x assault squads and 2x machine gunner squads +vehicles which would be worse.

I can’t speak on the M2 I don’t own one but keep in mind there are going to be more weapons added and I hope both sides eventually get balanced into a good state.

not quite if was fair we would have bars instead of m2s and Johnson riffle for lmg just saying i think its well done for now

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