m2 carabine, is the best weapon of the campaign, the only one I think its op, however, Im fine with its existance
Having a counter doesnt mean that the plane is better, axis has nothing near as good as the p38 or the p 47, they have to choose to be useless at CAS or to be useless at Air sup since the nerf of the 109 g 6
ok once again you are literally braindead I said ok tanks, not op, not better
Haha what are you even talking about?
cheese strats like paratrooping over and over and over into the objective, or spaming p 47 and p 38, or greyzone camping with jumbos and shermans 76
Seriously dude. Go play other campaigns before saying dumb sh*t like this.
I do play other campaigns, I main normandy because I dont buy premium, what if you just stfu instead of telling people to play something that they dont wanna play?
Thatâs just factually incorrect.
Did I ever literally said that germany is weak? I think germany is ok in every campaign, but In normandy specially, I think that Allies are just a bit over the top with their vechicles, the player base shift does not really has anything to do with vechicles balance
This is why your opinion is irrelevant. You canât dismiss and entire part of the player base
Im not dismissing anyone Im just saying facts, are you gonna tell me that axis has a plane as good as the p 38? a fighter? are you gonna say that p 47 is not op? we used to have a bit of a more fair balance when it came to planes when the bf 109 g 6 had the 250kg bomb, now anything that is not a Ju 188 struggles to deal with jumbos, If they want to nerf Ju 188 im completely fine with it, if they want to nerf panter or tiger im also fine with it, but why do allies do get to keep all their op shit intact? thats my complain, you dont even get the point right thats why I keep saying, allied players which are the majority of the ones who answer my shit keep saying oh but berlin axis, oh but tunisia axis, bro I never said that axis is unplayable, that it cannot win, that it cannot destroy jumbos, Im just saying that It takes a lot more effort than allies just spawning a p 38 and shooting 6 or 10 rockets at a tank, unlike using tiny ass 50kg bombs that can be avoided by just keep moving, thats why allies also complain about the p 51 c 10 being crap because it has tiny comparable bombs to the axis fighter, is it fair to me not to be able to deal with jumbos, because I choosed a fighter to avoid p 38 and p 47 taking completely over the game? or insted if I choose a ju 188 is it fair that now I cannot deal with those planes now? what If I choose a figther, the best fighter lets do say, the Bf 109 g 10, and no one spawns planes, and they have jumbos, in the greyzone, no how do I deal with that? my plane has no bombs or rockets, now lets say that it was not the bf 109 g 10, it was the migthy focke wulf 190 A 8, Im pretty good at using rockets with that plane, and I miss time to time, now I have to wait like 2 minutes to go back reload and try again, while if I was playing allies, I could just turn and try again, but very likely I wouldnt even have to because m8 rockets are so easy to use, not to mention that they have 6
and once again, allies always have the audacity, to complain and say that they should not be nerfed under any circumstance, but if I say hey can we axis players get a buff? then Im a wheraboo, and I suck at the game, and I have no clue of what Im talking about after more than 2k matches, without even elaborating properly, thats why I keep saying most of the allied players that talk about balance are complete idiots, I could mention your name, because you behave pretty much in the same way, but I dont wanna make this personal and I really try to not be rude, but when some one comes and just says âyou are biased you are a wheraboo, you suck at the gameâ well I really dont have much incentive to not give answer to that