End game that’s where it’s at late game German Kind of screwed it was like on Xbox for me most of the people quit the German side because it was too annoying to grind it More fun to murder Germans than leveling them up
What surprise that paras aren’t good defenders. They shouldn’t be.
Every squad shouldn’t be super versatile and be able to good literally everything in game.
You know they lack, yet you still choose them for defending objectives. That’s not fault of this squad, it’s just fault of your judgement.
What are you ** talking about? You spend so many time in forum and reply like an AI?
This is a ** invasion attack and the lane was blocked by HMG.
I got my paras landing the side and rushed into cap and defend it. Any problem? Take my infantry from the respawn and all get killed by HMGs? Only 100 tickets left, bro. Maybe I use improper words so you misunderstand me. But I do suggest you think before reply. Yes, use the ** head on your shoulder, OK?
And I say it again, do not accuse others like you are ** perfect. You are so loyal to Darkflow but they gave you no wage.
Even though I’d surely like my newly acquired fallschirmjägers to have a larger default pool of ammo, I’m genuinely getting sick of this “Germany suffers” litany. Whiny werhaboos DON’T DESERVE to be listened.
(Nor do whiny burgerboos, sovietboos, or any other one-sided crybaby, either.)
Yes, I agree with it.
This is only a FPS game and I don’t know why so many ppl make it a role play game.
The point should focus on the bad balance, instead of a single-side is weak or powerful.
You are so emotionally invested lol.
My point still stands. German paras good/mediocre balanced.
There’s literally no need to buff them, git gud.
And I really don’t care about your lame examples.
You don’t understand my context and make comments arrogantly. This is what makes me angry.
And you are not supposed to TEACH me in Enlisted, because it is an easy-AI-killing game and I have a 44days and 4400+ gameplay records. And the most important thing is, I know shut up when I don’t have some ideas.
I just ask for a delicate improvement in the weapon, and not everything devs finished is good enough, and we make suggestions to help improve it. Unconditional favoritism towards Darkflow can only prove that you do not have your own opinions.
I can agree on the extra default mag for the FG42.
Everything else, including default full auto, is just fuss over nothing.
Even with a paratroopers squad, one is not supposed to just drop onto enemy’s head guns blazing and get away with it. Paras are SUPPOSED to be sitting ducks when landing, until they regroup.
In game terms, that means it’s perfectly fine for a paratroopers squad to be unable to oppose full strength resistance for a few seconds after landing.
That’s all we are talking about, A FEW MERE SECONDS required to realize the direction you’re facing and collect weapons from the crate.
The Roblox guy makes it sound like he needs to go through a full boot camp training every time he jumps.
It’s not needed, that was my main point. Other things are pretty much irrelevant.
Yeah, because I don’t think your opinion is reasonable, lol.
Plus after free tech tree paras comes, you’ll be most likely able to equip them with FG II.
So stop crying about randin event squad. Last 3 event squads were way worse than this one, lol.
This just blows my mind. Normandy Germans get two of the best event squads EVER (the other one being the masked bushwhackers), yet they cry traison and persecution.
It’s not even funny anymore.
Dude I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. But first of all, this:
This is why nobody takes you German mains seriously. Unless you regularly play both factions (like myself) you cannot deride an
entire section of the player base. This is not PvE, they are human players, and their thoughts and opinions are just as relevant as yours.
It’s in the numbers. There were far more active late war German players in Normandy for the last year that skewed the balance of the campaign in their favor.
That doesn’t make the tiger irrelevant, because it still cannot be destroyed by most allied tanks unless they are able to get the first shot off.
If they didn’t have planes, the Tiger would be nearly impossible to destroy, especially if it was grey zone camping.
Haha what? Neither side has any “wonder weapons”, nor do they need them. It’s not about the weapons, it’s about player and team composition. Even if the Allies did have better weapons, it wouldn’t matter if the given team was comprised of newbies.
It’s not an argument, it’s a fact. The Germans had the advantage for more than a year. Anybody who played the Allies in 2022 can tell you that.
Allies do have better weapons, better planes, and ok tanks, so what you propose? since the alliedtards dont want to play unles they have some broken ass dumb cheese strat to use, what is your proposal? the merge is about to be done, so now what? what the complain will be? because it has been the same since always, I play since the jumbo was the only heavy tank in normandy, and I grinded axis against max lvl grey zone campers any way, with no real players on my team, and even at that time allied players complained about germany being op, when there where not even real players facing them, and it is always a never ending cycle of allied players complaining by everything and I do complain, but I never said nerf allies, I only say give something equal to axis players, that pretty much proves to me, that allied players are just literal braindead pieces of shit, because I really have no problem dealing with anything that axis has when I play as lvl 13 allies, I dont care if allied players do take me serius because they are sub humans they are like monkeys, they are all garbage or they are goo players and metawhores, and need to be overcompensated just so they come to play the game
You have no clue what you are talking about. You are more or less playing one side only and still trying to explain and convince others how much better the equipment are for the other side.
You talk like all players in this game mAiN one faction. What makes you think that?
Players that actually do play this game a lot and are quite competitive tend to play both sides and for the most part everything. I would even go so far as to say that playing both factions is necessary to become a better player in the long run.
When it comes to balance. Normandy is fairly balanced, in a asymmetrical way.
Personally however, I find Axis equipment better. But that’s because it’s more to my liking and play style I guess.
then show me, show me the number that makes axis weapons better, show me the magical stat that only axis has
I said personally.
They’re both equally good. You just have to adapt to each factions weaponry in a different way.
I have never ever in my 600 battles for Axis felt, “damn, I don’t have the firepower to stop Allies. Their weapons are so much better than ours”
They won because they were better, simple.
It’s sounds like an huge skill issue to me if you blame your weapons for being too weak compared to Allies.
That’s an understatement, btw
the power difference is barely noticeable, to be precise I only think that m2 carabine is op, thompson is strong, but its a weapon that is only good in very specific situations unlike m2 carabine, and even tho, I never requested a nerf for those weapons, so stop saying repeating like a retard “skill issue” because allies are the ones who get overcompensated always, and axis are the ones that get nerfed
Well, I have played a lot more matches than you, I have felt it, but as I said before, I would never ask a nerf from those weapons, I simply dont care, handheld weapons are not the only thing that matters when It comes to wining
I think I have the reason, and let me tell you why, not only because of the absurd amount of matches that I have played, but because I play even when the matches are ugly, like the past week, I do face a lot of premades using the most disgusting “tactics” ever, so here, tell me exactly how am I wrong, because I used to play allies to have knoledge of the map that before the addition of new maps was impossible to get as an exclusively axis player, its not like I have not played allies, and when I play allies I do really never think oh the game is so unfair for allies, quite the contraty, I always think damn this shit is so easy, I mainly play planes (for vehicles) , thats my ussual topic when it comes to balance, so you can complain everything you want about axis tanks, I dont give a shit I dont play tanks anyway they where nerfed anyway unlike jumbo that has been one of the strongest tanks since always and never got a nerf, but axis tanks did got so that in my opinion does show something so here you have my part now
yes my win ratio is not as pretty as your, but I have played the ugliest matches to the end, while everyone else quits, I dont care that much about losing as long as I can learn something, thats what makes me mad now, that I just feel like allies are winning to easely despite you playing godlike, and they doing the dumbest things imaginable. I said already that I have replays to show these guys being killed while they paratroop over and over and over and over, its is not an exageration there, I mean, 4 squads one after the other, get killed like that, also destrying their tank spamers, and their plane abusers, and their tickets never go down as they should, and then despite that axis gets to eat the nerfs, and allies gets buffed
Incorrect. They are roughly equal. Give me one example of a weapon that the axis don’t have a counter to.
Incorrect. They are roughly equal. Give me one example of a plane the axis can’t counter.
Incorrect. The are equal except the Jumbo, which in turn is put further off balance by the Panther and Tiger.
Haha what are you even talking about? Seriously, what cheesy strategy are you referring to? Because I can think of a bunch that the Allies and axis both use roughly equally.
Seriously dude. Go play other campaigns before saying dumb sh*t like this.
That’s just factually incorrect. You’ve already been shown the Normandy stats, and you dismissed it, so that’s on you. German players had the advantage for more than a year.
This is why your opinion is irrelevant. You can’t dismiss and entire part of the player base and not expect to be ridiculed. It also guarantees that the devs will ignore your suggestions lol. Maybe be more careful with what you say.
Also, the axis do have weapons that compete with the Allies. Asymmetrical balance is a thing.
Man, the wehraboos are on fire today.
Your comment your proves me right again if you really think that planes are equal, name a single plane from the axis that is as versatile as the p 38 or the p 47