Getting my Axis para tonight and found it an extrodinary weapon. Of course it is a good design now, but there are some ideas to improve the squad weapon.
Anyway, Vickers Mk. I No. 2. is a light machine gun and can fire automatically. 100/100 is powerful though some may argue that it is difficult to control it.
But for FG-42 with granade launcher, things are different.
It only gets 20/40 and cannot fire automatically at the moment you landing. That’s deadly when you have to face a few enemies, semi-auto is not so efficient and that’s why FG-42 is a light machine gun, not a semi-auto rifle when it was designed. At least for paras, please set it fire in auto.
Then we come to next question, 20/40 is not enough for paras because it always fires in auto mode. Of course it is powerful due to the granade launcher, but it wouldn’t bother to just add it to 20/60. I don’t expect it as many 20/100 as Krieghoff rifles, however, the added cartridge would make a difference in battle. Gun is supposed to fire bullets first, then it can launch granades. As is known to all, this is a good FPS game.
They don’t want the Germans to be competent or have extra ammo they gotta find every way to handicap us any way they can never mind the allies having bullet hoses
Agreed, it’s ridiculous the Allies get 200 rounds for their paras in an LMG but the Axis is expected to use a gun with only 200 less RPM but less then half that ammo
Bring it up to 20/100 similar to a large ammo pouch
It is never fair for germans to have anything my dude, you should know by now, only allies can have ammo, only allies can have big bombs, only allies can have actually practical and powerfull rockets, only allies can have 100 round mags, only allies everything because the suffer the most because they cannot auto win yet they need more p 38 and p 47 slots so they can show their skill
Just finish one invasion match.
Cap time and reinforcement are very unfair. And 20/40 is not capable for such an intensive game. I stay in cap and can only defend it with my Walter P38. Feeling desperate then.
The allied dream dropping behind enemy lines going Rambo in their ranks mowing every Nazi down Meanwhile German paratroopers Oh my I have to change all my weapons into auto and attach my grenade launcher which takes forever that’s definitely not gonna be a problem if I’m dropping in enemy lines
exactly where they had the upper hand lol alliedtards keep saying that over and over but they never say exactly where does axis has the upper hand, they end up saying that in the tigers but allies literally can kill tigers with any of their planes, so where, where does axis has the wonder weapon? tell me ffs im so tired of that stupid argument that doesnt have any logic, any base, any true