Feedback for a PvE Game Mode Suggestion

On September 15th, I’ve made a post about introducing some kind of Survival/Hold the Line PvE Game Mode on Major’s Discord Server where Players can occasionally group up and fight against waves after waves of bots. Not something common you’d see mind you (in fact rare) but if you were to see it you’d know you’d be in for some BIG Silver and XP. This gain some support but not a whole lot.

But now that the Merge Update is out and Players are fighting against other Players; there’s been some voice on wanting a PvE Game Mode to break up the constant sweaty matches. It’s been scattered around different Discord Servers, an occasional Reddit post that’s not the main topic here and there, a few YouTube comments, etc etc and it’s been kinda hard measure it for a lack of better words. So I want to know.

Is this actually something you the players want? I’m not looking towards responses for BR changes or moving some items on the Tech Tree around. I want to know SPECIFICALLY for this. If this is something you’d all want then please give a like on this so I can measure if it’s something wanted or not. I’m going to checking this once a day everyday for 1 week (ending on December 17th). If any Forum Moderators read this, please close this post on that end date.

Cheers fellow Enlisted Gamers!


I like the idea of a Hold the line gamemode
New players could enjoy it a lot to familiarize themselves with targeting, weaponry and to grind easier


This would be a super fun and interesting mode I feel as long as it was built around logical battles, such as Germans keeping Americans off the beach with MGs and such.

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so, yes, and i’ll explain why.

i do have a somewhat incomplete suggestion that i started around a year and a half ago.
which i might post or let someone read, but it’s a bit outdated for what the events developed including merge and few others aspects.

and that is, PVE as of something completely different from war thunder, and more similar to crossout / armored warfare / Insurgency sandstorm.

where you have more types of objectives and matches could last from 10 mins up to hours depending the settings and others facts to more than 1 hour.

instead of some ( no offense ) lazy tower defense against chickens.

problem is, i can’t really prove how many people would really like to play pves.
therefore i started modding to create pves and if gathered enough traction and numbers, eventually push for a pve gamemode

so, personally, i think yes.

not only those could be fun and interesting, but would theretically appeal to the pve community in the market.

and i have built some in the mods.

too bad i can’t actually make them pleyable because i cannot lock slots for players. ( aka, lack of customs improvements )

i can theoretically and will only be able to make players plays it by solo.
alone essentially.
but those somewhat giant battles weren’t meant to be played in solo.

as… more of coop.

additionally, you can appeal to the lone fighter type of gamemode to spike up the difficulty and actually increasing cooperation between players.

anyway, for me, yeah. especially since my play time is being reduced ever slighlty so.

and after a long day of hard work, i would really love to experience enlisted more realistically or somewhat relaxed ( yet kept on my toes by bots ) unlike the pvp experience which for me is getting somewhat stale.

with that being said, in order to have a sucessfull pve, we need better AIs behavior.
that can actually roam around a perimeter.

instead of the only behaviors that we got. which are: sitting ducks, or move from point a to point b.

then, we need codes of working AI vehicles for tanks, halftracks, and airplanes to provide gameplay for everyone involved.

and lasty, some solid missions to back it up.

i could go on for hours :sweat_smile: as i’m really passionate about coop for realism / historical accurate type of missions. at least, that’s how i see pves.

something of serious that prove challenges for players that loves nothing more to cooperate rather than just mindlessly slaughter indefensive bots.

at least, imo.


i mean pve mode is pve mode but my question would be there wont be restriction on equipment right? if so then yea i definitely want a pve mode where i can use my best stuff that would be fun kinda like warthunder pve mode

I talked about a PVE mode with my friends. I think one fun way to do it would be a 4 player co-op mode.

In this mode, you and 3 others get your regular allotment of squads and you fight a LOT of bot squads.
There could be 3 difficulties, higher ones giving more rewards.
They could also be set into battles (campaigns) with historical equipment only for the enemy. That way, you can use whatever (for the BR) and the bots only ever use what they should, so something something historical.

The difficulties would be Normal, Hard, and Extreme.
Normal difficulty would have regular bot squads (IE unfilled and unoptimized) and there are ‘only’ 12 of them. So, a 3:1 ratio. Basically a turkey shoot, but still requires proper use of ammo and engineer buildings.
Hard would have filled bot squads (IE, rifle squads with a full 9 men) and there are 16 squads. A 4:1 fight where ammo conservation is of utmost importance!
And Extreme is optimized bot squads. I’m talking all level 5, top grade soldiers, with optimal perks and optimal, fully upgraded weaponry. Still a 4:1 fight, though.

This way, you can really test your skill against the game’s AI!

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PvE sounds fine… Until I look at the Enlisted AI and my own bot squadmates…

There is game that works with that idea in a large scale such as the Co-Op mode from Battlefield 2: Project Reality, is pretty much a tutorial mode for players and learn to communicate between their members or just have fun shooting AI

Those AI are merciless though, the kind of snipe you from long range and murder you the moment you attract enough of their attention, they are still dumb though, if the players are not in front of them their reaction can be tad slow, they are pretty good with vehicles though

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I play occasionally against bots in customs and even if they arent as dynamic as pvp games i still enjoy them. Unfortunately the AI is pretty predictable which makes the games feel the same after couple of matches so i would really enjoy having actual pve with decent AI

If it were its own mode with special rewards scattered as an RNG, yeah for sure. Would be fun and allow teams to practice communication

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anyway i really like the hold the line idea since that mean we can build defensive building like in rts game by putting down mg at strategic position so everyone can help each other that cool

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As long as you get decent XP and can do Events and dailies in them I´m with anything at this point.


^^ this!
i’m all for any kind of pve now…

no matter how, customs, coop or single player pve. i dont care. just let us chose the battlefield and the battle rating. and give as a useful amount of XP and this new “silver”.

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Yes, please, the game needs PVE mode for casual players :slight_smile:

Would be nice especially for new players

You would have to compensate poor AI by having a huge amount of AI to be challenging. 10 v 10 isnt enough. We already had bot farms in the other campaigns and they were boring, (setup tank or MG and eat them as the funnel down the same path)

I do like the Idea of PVP/PVE.

Like the standard 10 players PLUS 10 bots (aside). Makes the battlefield busy without it being to player crazy.

yeah bots definitely have to out number players for it to work, this would also be a good time to make bots use vehicles and planes. Hope they give more exp, the newbies without the benefit of previous bot farm campaigns need them to practice and level up.

PVE mode is what I really want.

The reason being is that adults no longer have the time to play games for long periods of time.
I was an avid Battlefield and Call of Duty player when I was younger, and as a teenager I would come home from school and play games until the sun went down, but after I hit my 20s I gradually have less and less time to play games.
I have less and less time to play games because I have so many things to do, such as work and managing my family.
I want to have a little fun after coming home after a long day, but the multiplayer game experience is largely dependent on the other players. It would be very sad to play a game for an hour after a long day if it was an unpleasant gaming experience.
I don’t have the time to spend hours and hours playing on less sleep until I get a good, satisfying game, or the time to research and practice to outplay other players.
So inevitably I choose the games I play. They are all CO-OP/single player, such as Ghost Recon.
I didn’t buy Call of Duty for a long time, but I did buy the 2019 reboot with friends, and after playing the campaign, I enjoyed a few games of multiplayer, but really only played it a few times and never again.
Battlefield 2042 was not well received by the public when it first came out, but the quality of the bot was very good and brought me back to Battlefield for the first time in a long time. It’s fun to play alone or in a team with friends and just play with the bots.

Now, back to Enlisted, if Enlisted can make the experience with bots as good as 2042, this would be very welcome.
After all, I play this game most often in custom matches against bots. I play alone or with friends in various gear and troop setups. I bought the premier just to set up a password.

I’m sure there are many people like me who think that if there was a PVE mode separate from the PVP mode, people would be more inclined to play for short periods of time even on days when they don’t intend to play PVP, and there would be a few less people who get upset about the “game balance” in PVP mode, because PVE would be a place to vent their frustrations. PVE will be a place for them to vent their frustrations.

In my opinion, the addition of a PVE mode would be a really good change for the game. It could motivate light users like myself to pay more and increase the player base and profits of the game.
I really hope that Dev will consider adding a PVE mode in the future once the merge tweaks are done.


Yea I agree, for player’s with less dedications and more casual experience, PVE is a great addition, I just hope that you earn the same amount of exp per pve mission as you would in a normal game so PVE players won’t fall behind in event and unlocks compare to players that prefer PvP(point is that we shouldn’t force PvE players to play PvP just to unlock new equipment), Perhaps make PvE mission harder and require more coop effort, with bots out numbering the players, use vehicles and CAS support against the player(kind of like insurgency coop mode), have some kind of tactics like ambush and counter attack, manning mg nest and hull down tanks, hidden Ai snipers and At guns, with players having limited spawn against bots and out number so they must work together to survive. Other than being a unique and more causal experience for veterans with less time commitments to relax, this can very well attract new players, who might find PvP experience too harsh and need some practice and better equipment unlock first before playing PvP. Futhermore, this is an excellent excuse for devs to improve current enlisted Ais

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In the meantime, may I suggest that if you just want a casaul PVE round to try out @tommyZZM mod with 25 v25 bots.

basically PVE. Be warned there is no experience gained…its just for fun.


They dont even consider a pve. as they said many times they dont want player have a easy life by having a xp farm