Feedback after 1 week

Lots of great work, like good old H&G ruined by game mechanics.

  • combat area size too small
  • dynamic combat area makes it even worse
  • no spezialation for vehicle/aircraft players allowed
  • too many obstacles on most maps (its a pain to move a vehicle through streets)
  • dynamic spawn point make apc’s useless and put spawns in the middle of effective combat
  • no AA gun ground combat allowed
  • bots are suicidal

That is pretty much everything coming to my mind atm.
Each point creates frustration for me and makes the game unplayable. After i witnessed H&G mechanics getting worse each year, i will not do that again under any circumstances.

I will not consider playing or recommending this game unless 50% of the mentioned issues are solved. For spending my money at least 75% must be solved.

BTW, i can’t make this a feedback, but have to add it to suggestions. If i try to make it a feedback it demands a category, but once a category is selected, it doesn’t allow me to make it a feedback, wtf?

I really hope you will consider changes based on this, cause you obviosly have already done some incredible work.
If not… well like i said, i won’t do that to myself again and wish you luck for the future, but say goodbye.

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Rallies arent useless. It is much harder to hide a big halftrack in maps like sgrad or berlin instead of an small radio




people were complaining about this for years. old maps are relatively limited by this, but new maps are much better.

exactly how?

what exactly do you mean by that? you want to play vehicles all the time? you can do that, just spend $$$.

agreed. people were complaining about this for years and tanks getting stuck on smallest things doesnt really help…

this was abused with old quad AA that had shield, so they nerfed angles. considering how bad current AA is, they could easily bring back old angles.

this is feature, not a bug. they provide easy targets for players and if you have any left after you die they are mobile spawn points.



Thats what i mean.
A big half track might be faster than walking and placing a radio, but the small maps reduce the advantage to just a few seconds + like you said its easier to spot and destroy aaand you are limited in the amount of vehicles, while almost every squad can place a radio.

If there would be some distance (combat area size) to handle this would negate the issue totally…

Main issue with bots would be:

  • not using cover
  • running in front of guns and blocking aim + marking position for enemy by this
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Try playing the big action mode it’s a lot more fun and it actually supports premium tank for the Soviets with the Rockets you can actually use the site for it if you have it.

WIP: Handbook for Big Action Volokolamsk Players. (testing 709ex3b56 ) - Game Mods - Enlisted



In the 90’s we all took games as they were made, cause many things haven been possible by that time.
Today it is just a question of thorough work and being able to get into the player perspective.

Been working on a pvp project for many years and things often don’t turn out as they seem to work when creating them.

As example, i am totally fascinated by the work that have been put into Stalker GAMMA for example (sure not a perfect game, but the included features are focussed and complete). A bunch of people do this because they want to make something as good as possible + they don’t expect you to pay (donation are free and usually well earned)

So all in all it is clearly my personal feeling, but isn’t that why we play game at all?


This feedback is limited to regular match making, i maybe should have mentioned.
I just have played for a week yet and didn’t try every possible way.

Though nontheless my true feelings about regular matches.

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True but there’s a lot they can learn from this mode which they could use

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For now i think i just gonna step back for a while and see if things get optimized in a way i like.
Sooner or later i might take a second look and remind your words or more hopefully find a more obvious way in game menu to play the way i want.

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Dynamic combat areas move “home” spawn positions often in the way of retreating players.
So one player gets a bunch of enemies spawned into his face, the other spawns with enemies behind (not a rare thing to get spawn camped). Also this is part of the total combat area size issue i got.

Vehicle spezialization.
From my experience sure every player should have as many options to play a match as possible. Though in pvp this can get a bit problematic. See H&G issues with half a team in tanks (never been solved, even if pure vehicles matches have been added, the regular and war matches never avoided this problem). Instead vehicles had more disadvantages to (unsuccessfully) motivate players not to use them when it doesn’t made sense.

Sure the vehicle limitation fixes one problem, but it doesn’t mean the vehicles are used by players that can handle them in a team friendly way. Also dedicated tanker or pilots often get stuck by waiting for the vehicles to be available = other players to die (damages the sense of team play)

Yes, i would like to see vehicle only matches. Been a wise decision by Reto.
But also it would love to see a system that lets players build up different match categories.
Like vehicle players and pilots have limited infantry access, Infantry player limited tank and plane access during a match.

I often like to play infantry matches, but when using lets say a tank i want to support my team in the first place. I need to monitor a large part of the combat area and consider enemy actions, while trying to clear a way for my team or taking out threats in high distance,…
I most likely don’t feel fast enough for infantry combat that day or play matches with enemies that have a better ping. Or in short a switch between play stiles based on my fittnes, that doesn’t slaughter me and give me a bad game.

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you failed to defend the cap point and you have 10-20 seconds to leave that area before enemy starts spawning there.

his fault for not retreating.

you get spawn protection and can easily kill enemy if he tries to spawn camp you. dynamic zone lasts ~2 minute so overall not big of a problem regarding your issues.

everyone has fair chance at vehicles.
also this is mixed warfare game, not WT with infantry targets (i think i repeated this a lot today). if you want to play just tank or plane go play WT.

but you already have this from same publisher

vehicles are done better, maps are better for vehicles etc.
enlisted uses assets from this game for vehicles.


This still doesn’t negate my issues, but you are right. I don’t intend to force this game to change if there is something that is meant to be what i want.

So unhappy with Enlisted, but there is something else i wan’t aware of. Thanks a lot.

I did chose some unlucky words here i guess… wasn’t meant that way

Hmm, WT doesn’t seem exactly what i want and i don’t think i explained well enough what i meant.
I am searching for a mixed inf/tank/plane/… game.
Thoug the focus of Enlisted is clearly Infantry and doesn’t allow specializing in certain categories, it seemed close to what i want at first.

I guess i give WT a try and hope for a game that figures out a system to combine everything i would like in a new way that doesn’t disadvantage certain play stiles like Enlisted does.