Faustpatrone 42 and a few AT suggestions

Let me start like this. The Panzerfaust 60 is a BR 3 AT weapon, meaning it can appear in both early and late game. Now I understand the balance arguments of it breaking early game but I am going to speak from a different perspective. It is ruining the atmosphere to see the Panzerfausts, made in 1944, popping up in Moscow 1941 and Stalingrad 1942. I have seen the Panzerfausts here on both friend and foe alike. Seeing it on the backs of my teammates, and even more funny when my tank was destroyed by a time traveling Panzerfaust. First I would suggest making the Panzerfaust 60 BR 4. Obviously they also have to stop Stalingrad from being BR 4 (they likely did this because there is a lack of late war Soviet campaigns and maps, Iā€™m sure weā€™ve all seen T-34-85s and other time travelers)

As a compromise they can add the Faustpatrone 42. The Faustpatrone 42 was an experimental shaped charge launcher that was the progenitor of the Panzerfaust family. This could be added as BR 1-2. I would rather tolerate this experimental weapon than itā€™s time traveling older brothers.

Now I do not want them to just give the Soviets a copy of this weapon. If the anti tank rifles arenā€™t sufficient enough for early war for you, if (and big emphasis on IF) they could add a lend leased bazooka.

Now since weā€™re on the topic of Panzerfausts I was just saying that they could add the Faustpatrone or Panzerfaust 30 Klein (which was the next step after the 42) and the Panzerfaust 30 (the first Panzerfaust that had that famous look) as BR 3. And the Panzerfaust 150, the last official version, as BR 5.


And giving them an rpg 7


RPG1 or even 2, unless you want to bring the NATO arsenal to WWII, so be my guest

And tbf the Fedorov is already a Better AKMā€¦


I want Vietnam and helicopters

Letā€™s not get carried away. They should replace the Panzerfausts

Give them the PTG-44, which was their equivalent to a Granatbusche, at BR 4. And the LPG-70 at BR 5.

The LPG was the grandfather of the RPG


it sucked compared to the panzerfoust so no

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1942/3* (42 in design, prod in 43 )

as it goes for the thread,

quite frankly, i wouldnā€™t see the necessity considering that we have the sturmpistol which itā€™s unironically great in br2.

adding a projectile launcher perhaps as a gold order might be okey, to get something new and unique.

but as a grind, thereā€™s literally no need.


either that, or the actual panzershrek.

since itā€™s already in the game after all.

I will much rather have an gun that was actually used largely by soviets than an prototype


Sturmpistole great? GrB39 is better


*Largely used

Panzerfaust is not

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sturmpistole is better for close to mid ranges as itā€™s faster to reload ( compared to the grb39 )

grb is better for long shots and more reliable post pen.

And US still use M1 Bazooka and M9 Bazooka, and the Japs are even worse so why the special treatment?

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Faster to reload? Are you joking? The Sturmpistole takes 7s to reload while GrB39 has less than 4s + better trajectory and larger ammo reserve

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oh my gosh the RPG1 could not even pen the Panther which the M9 can easily do in my opinion the US should get the Panzerfoust too as some US units used them to deal with latter German heavy tanks

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Then everyone should gets a Panzerfaust cuz the German also lend and lease them for their Allies?

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SO your would rather see cold war infantry at weapons in game then?

dunno what i had in mind.

mandela effect or some stuff.

could have remembered it differently. but thatā€™s on me.

well, in that case.

i suppose it is better.

issue with that unlike the US and USSR Japan never got any nor the blueprint technology sharing was focused on tanks aircraft and large rockets not small arms though as an alternative is to buff the M9ā€™s penetration to allow it to fight more armored tanks

I would rather the game be consistent, if they already removed all captured weapons, why the hell the soviets get to keep them as unlockable?

Hell they are the only damn faction that gets all the wacky advantages? Fedorov is literally better than the AKM I can use in Gun game, AVT40 has half the recoil FG42 has despite having zero recoil mitigation system and is a SVT40 with full auto mode, the have captured weapons like Panzerfaust, lend and lease weapons(P40E), prototypes(AS44s), experimental weapons(DP Belt Fed), and failed testing weapons(AVT40) as unlockable, they have almost no bad gears unlike other nationsā€¦

But you know what they canā€™t fix? Their playerbase is dogshite

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Bolth are premiums which you have to buy

Those were added to combat the MKb 42, FG 42s and StGs why they kept the Fedorov post merge beats me

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