Extending the current Battle Pass season

Can’t wait for the major bug testing with no feedback taking in care.


they should really lock some of the dev team in with some sweat Lords and see how that turns out and maybe things will change but I doubt it.



Holly! I never knew what true love is, until noe :heart_eyes:

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its been 10 days since this announcement, Im starting to feel like that DF forgot about sharing news on the next BP session.


They haven’t forgotten it. They will just announce it 10 minute after this new season goes live.

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yeah, thats what Im afraid of.
They will just remove a bunch of BP shop items without a notice.

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I have clue why they removed the countdown for soon-going-to-be removed weapons.
Seems like they weren’t able to bring it back since they did sheningans with removal of BP stuff with release of merge update.

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Seriously the lack of 24-96hrs headsup for various updates (merge just dropped Monday morning for example) is VERY annoying.

Poor communication. Why isint the Battlepass info out like a week ahead of release? Its already delayed a bunch


They are busy working on Steam stuff, which I guess will mean more players, more players mean more choices in regards to BRs, more money which will also mean more content hopefully.

Comms have always been poor, only sometimes have they given us regular updates.

Focusing on the steam players doesn’t really mean anything if the game is not functioning or there’s glitches or the economy is on fire.


Hey I couldn’t find any info - does anyone know if any gold order weapon is going to be removed after this saison?

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We don’t know yet.