Extending the current Battle Pass season

i can tell.

and i can relate ( especially on cosmetics, editor, guides, bug fixes and what not )

but. after all, surely it can’t get worse than this right?

which, communication is lacklaster at best, and a clear picture of what next is not always on sight.

but, it’s like this for 3 years.

so… i mean. stockholm syndrome i guess?

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well, it did got worse.

but because they had to rush the update ( which… doesn’t mean much since they always do )

but at least this time was justified.

as, it wasn’t the only studio that rushed updates unpolished before the holidays of xbox / sony and what not.

as you said in the past, eventually things get fixed either way.

just a midly inconvenience for those who played during the holidays in sort of a buggy mess with stretched soldiers and invisible planes or LOD issues left and right.

( kinda funny if you ask me though )


Well, I remember it being ‘soon’ for over a month before Stalingrad, so I could anticipate it.

Was the Christmas event extended as well?

It’s incredible how some of you clowns manage to talks so much random nothingness.The usual suspects.

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That’s fine everyone had a holidays so 1 week extension is nothing.


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kinda lame, ngl

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never seen anyone saying they wish the BattlePass was extended, yet it literally happens every. single. time.


i wouldn’t be so sure on that.

but what can you do. either way it has been extended weather we like it or not.


In my opinion, this game is not as bad as people in the forum say. The actions of the development and management team are not bad and reliable. There is no substitute for the fact that this game is a promising title.
There are a few bugs and some rough design elements that are a bit noticeable, but they are not a problem.
Sometimes you get thrown into a bad match or face a bug and feel like “what a terrible game”, but the real shitty games are the indie games that abound on steam or the games made with more collected unity assets. I recently had such an experience and redefined my perception of Enlisted as a AAA title.
Also, from my personal experience, this game is better in every way compared to Battlefield 2042, MW3 reboot and CoDVanguard when they just launched.
I can tell that the development team is working hard to make the game better, so I hope they take their time and don’t rush to update the game.
The year 2024 has only just begun.


You mean, some changes to the rewards? I didn’t give much thought about the battle pass, what do you suspect is going to change?

It is definitely not a bad game. But from my perspective, it keeps getting worse. And I really do not like it is getting more and more buggy. Like even bugs that were fixed several times already has returned. It is so frustrating.


And related to BP end:

I would be happy if the countdown that shows that a golden order item will be removed would return.
Probably as far as I know, I haven’t seen it since they did some shenanigans with the GO items removal before the merge.


Yup, sliding off to the side instead of going straight through the window, for example - it was there more than 2 years ago I think, then it was fixed for some time, now it’s a menace to my assaulters once again

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Yeah, I know what you mean, Adam.
It’s not uncommon in this game for bugs to come back once supposedly fixed, but the second half of last year was really bad.
A bug that caused cosmetic items to be lost was fixed after several weeks of development and then rolled back only two weeks later.
Are the developers getting enough help? What is the checking system? I wondered.
However, considering that it was right after a major update and the work was done at the end of the year, I think it is necessary to tolerate it a little.
This year, though, I would like them to work a little more carefully and reliably.


I was talking about the extension of the battle pass just like the last one

Ah, this… yeah, maybe some new stuff for the next season needs to be finished. I don’t mind the delay, but I’m a bit concerned about the…

I wonder what that could mean


I hope it means something positive and not vice versa