Explosion pack for anti tank soldier only

Tanks are vulnerable when infantry refuses to support them. Restricting explosion packs won’t address that. I would think maybe giving an option to order AI controlled soldiers to guard a tank might be a better solution.


No need. many of em just noob less expericene to cook the dynamite. i survive many times and laughed so hard when passing em

i’d say reduce the damage of the epack so they can’t OHK and then add new AT weapons for AT squad only that can


Don’t tell me you can use explosive charges and TNT to attack King Tiger 100 meters away
I can accept a bunch of monkeys running around without anti-tank weapons
But I can’t accept a bunch of monkeys without explosives

There are many tanks destroyed by a random soldier hidden in the bushes, recent Israelis should understand this feeling very well.

Don’t drive tanks to dangerous areas, instead of expecting your enemies to not carry explosives.

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Since you can take AT soldier to basically every squad. I would partially agree.

EP should probably be limited only to AT Soldier, since it’s extremely versatile and useful in pretty much any situation.

But TnT should still be available to all soldiers.


Restricting explosion pack won’t solve greyzone camping problem.
Other than explosion pack, tanks are still vulnerable to anti tank mine, tnt, Molotov, are you gonna restrict them too?
No to mention staying in the grey zone can better prevent at weapon since most player can’t really hit a greyzone tank with their at weapon.

Not really, in fact greyzone encourage the use of PAK guns and tank vs tank battles since that is the only reliable way of hitting greyzone tank on land.

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Agreed, EP on all soldiers makes AT squads more or less useless except for the AT rifles.
Normal infantry should carry grenades only.


I like this idea.
There are several attractive gadgets for AT soldiers.

AT soldiers are not very light with launchers on their backs, so please give the engineers the ability to have these high performance explosives.


Either make explosive packs only disable tanks (and eventually kill light armor) or limit them to AT guys.
Current state of things is weird. Every soldier is AT specialist.


AT launchers:
+long range

+widely avalable
-super risky to use

Explosive packs:
~quite strong
~moderate distance
+widely avalable
+improvised grenade
-needs cooking

EP is not the best vs tanks but imo the best overall.


No, this would be extremely toxic nerf. Which would only support seal clubbing.

EPs would be most effective on low BRs, but newbies can’t even buy them from get go.

On higher BRs, EPs would be basically useless. You would disable tank but didn’t get proper point/exp reward = Nobody would use them.

Btw, I’ve always wondered what kind of explosives are in the “Explosion pack” of Enlisted?
Explosive Pack

If it is Dynamite, how effective is it against tank armor?
If you slip it under the body, I assume it will destroy the transmission, etc., but can it actually damage the tank if placed on top of it or on the sides?


30mm penetration iirc

True. So only disabling tanks and killing non armored targets (trucks, jeeps).

You can disabe a tank and use tnt to finish it off.
Also you may introduce points for destroying components (it should be a thing long ago) and give a big assist score.
Encouraging disabling tanks may make them more durable instead of current glass cannons.

But I won’t fight for it. Limit to AT soldiers is good enough (though not ideal).


Well, you’d wasting two equipment slots to just kill one vehicle. I don’t think that would ideal as well.
Molotovs would be better pick from my perspective.

It’s a choice.
You can take molotov to burn a tank but it will take a while and can be extinguished.
You can take explosive pack to disable a tank and make it very easy (immobile and maybe even disarmed target) to finish off with tnt.
You can take a normal grenade and rely only on your tnt.
You can take a smoke grenade and pretend to blind the tank or supporting infantry so you can run to plant a tnt.

(Of course not everything is as good as otger things but at this point it’s close enough to tweak it with stats.)


Well, crew will have limited time to put it out, or tank willl blow up (and they’ll be burned to death even sooner).
But yes, sometimes you get unlucky and tank/its engine won’t catch fire.

It depends what this “disabling” would meant. Only destroying tracks? That would be pretty meh.
Would there be a chance of destroying/damaging other modules? Then it would depend on how effective and frequent the rng would be.
And again, I guess it would again be more effective against low BR tanks. Because modules of higher BR tanks do have more HPs and tanks are bigger.

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I was thinking about a “damage to modules” modifier that would cause ep to do extra damage vs tracks and ring. So difference between low and high BR tanks wouldn’t be as big. A well placed explosive pack would basically guarantee to disable.
But it may turn out to cause toxic gameplay. Imagine fixing your disabled tank only to get disabled again by the same dude who decided to bully you. Though I guess it can be fixed with basic teamwork (yeah, enlisted and teamwork, sure).


How tf am I getting killed in my 50-80mm armours then? especially on sides or when the indicator doesn’t even pop up??

Okay, I was wrong. It’s 35mm.

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