Explosion pack for anti tank soldier only

Okay, I was wrong. It’s 35mm.

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Because tank roof and floor usually don’t have that armor. Also, you can cook the explosive pack to make that it detonation is synchronized with the impact on the vehicle, preventing the tanker from escaping.

I knew the floor and I know how to cook, I was always annoyed that it would kill the top of every tank except Soviet and American tanks.

I am a tanker main, and everyone should have explosive packs, If your alert, youll see those anti tankers sprinting along the edges of the map and make short work with HE. If they get to me, its my fault bc i over extended, or was greedy sniping with binos, and not paying attention to whats near me. Tanks are strong and very hard to kill if your alert and have good situational awareness. I can even kill you behind or near cover. You have to run to me, and i have to be unaware. So yes, all soldiers should have explosive packs, as annoying as they can be. They are fine the way they are.


You describe heavy and medium tanks gameplay, light tanks aren’t so lucky
Also infantry support tanks are meant to push up. Both EP and TNT is annoying. EP kill really easy and TNT has no footsteps.

I agree with this.
I think that the problem of tank greyzone camping should be solved first before restricting the use of TNT charges or sticky bomb.

I also agree that tanks need infantry support to protect themselves and it is okay (and real) for them to be vulnerable in the presence of enemy infantry.