Expanding Terraforming

Just wondering what Berlin will look like, there is a map where there 3 points are indoors, forgot name, that already has massive craters.

I like the idea but wonder if it’ll completely ruin Tank combat on some maps.

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For real, trying to climb any kind of hill in anything that isn’t a poomer or M10 after you had your transmission and/or engine destroyed really isn’t fun.

Better destruction then Battlefield 2042

Perfect oppertunity to pitch an idea ive always wanted to see since battlefield 5!

So years ago on reddit In the battlefield V reddit I wanted to pitch the idea of DICE adding an Enginear/bulldozer vehicle and vehicle class. the Bulldozer/armored dozer allowing enginears/people who like to build things more options, including but not limited to using the dozer blades to create dirt mounds/moving large areas of earth around and or digging trenchs to use for better support/cover.

So in enlisted the same thing can apply but also engineer squads able to spawn vehicles or able to set up defenses not only quicker but give more cover.

Another thing that could be added is maybe an Enginear exclusive thingy could be Det packs/bigger explosive packs that are large enough to destroy fortifications like Hedgehogs and even create large holes in the ground to act as cover.

As for other future plans Id like to see be realized is bombers like medium and even larger bombers like the B17, B29 and PE8 or such. or the HE111 Maybe even new infantry classes and or navel units. (Would be nice if the allies had more navel and airpower on normandy maps. While the Axis get more AA guns and Heavy AA guns like the Flak88 or their 37mm cannons)

It would be really awesome to crew and fire the cannons on battleships/crusiers(or destroyers) and have radioman be able to call in gun runs, airstrikes and even battleship/B17 bomber support.
Maybe even have the allies in the future start inside the landing ships?(at least on some maps) and sail ashore under enemy fire.

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How much of a performance impact this update gonna do?

Nice! It’s finally comming!

I am rather curious how the mechanism interacts with friendly rally points:

Will the bomb…
-destroy a friendly rally;
-create a crater and make the friendly rally levitate;
-not create a crater on or near the friendly rally or;
-none of the above?

Have the developers thought about this?


The article only mentions bombs. What about other explosives? Even if they don’t create deep holes.

Will field artillery changing landscape, or aviators bombs only?