Expanding Terraforming

That sounds really great (I’m a bit worried about how Normandy will be looking with so many bombs and rockets tho).

So when will we get shovels in other campaigns @Keofox? Also smoke artillery and bayonets?


Really? :slight_smile:
Getting awesome game mechanics is awesome. We think so.



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dont get me wrong if u have the assets why not use them (Pls use the 202EC from WT its perfect there and a horror here), but some think DF is doing everything on his own.

Would it be possible to provide a bit more information about how it is implemented?

Is it only for bombs? Or also rockets and grenades?

Will all holes be the same size? Or will a 500kg create a bigger hole than a 50kg?

So far, this is only for bombs. Anyone. the size of the funnel differs depending on the power of the bomb.


eh… i have mixed feelings about it.

i’m sure can’t wait for no mans land to be torn apart by a20s and ju188s.

or vehicles getting stucked or having aim issues with those craters.

but lots of cover for infantry. i guess.

ain’t gonna say no to new stuff or mechanic :upside_down_face:
( for now )

sooo. nice.


Wow, what a treat!
This looks very promising.

Waiting for the actual main update, that brings changes to weapons upgrade system, be like:


On a side note, are we expected to see any performance improvements to Berlin campaign? I was deciding the other day if I want to start Moscow or Berlin and gonna pass Berlin entirely due to how poorly it is optimized going from 160-240 fps Tunisia/Normandy/Moscow, with DLSS on to Berlin that is like 110-120 and in some cases drops to even 80-90. Very inconsistent , fps is all over the place and just runs very poorly compared to every other campaign. Especially compared to Tunisia, where you guys did an amazing job.

If you have an 144hz monitor, it is not even worth trying out Berlin. I hope you guys take a look on the issue and address it in the future.


Nice work!

By the way, Is there any plan to implement 100% destructible buildings in the future? :smiley:


Poor Normandy. And does it include arty shells?

They could also add the function that the shovel can fill those holes, I mean, so that the tanks can advance without being so complicated


I’m wondering what would such crater do to a tank given that narrow trench is impassible obstacle and once you try to drive past it when you are in the middle the tank suddenly drops down through terrain and your tank is static bunker.

Not include arty

hmmm well I don’t think we can assume that every bomb dropped will create a crater. I think the devs said in a Q&A some time ago that they have to be careful with terrain deformation.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if the chance to create a crater will be random after meeting other criteria as well

Are you kidding??? I cant depend on my team to provide support for my tank and you think they will fill holes? … LOL


Team work? Good sense of humor. Sometimes I can’t set the spawn point, (wrong angle message) so digging up and down to level the terrain will be ok. I also like to hide the spawn point in the hole, but often I get the message “not enough space for a spawn point” even after I dug a hole the size of the Moscow Quarry.

But how the tanks and vehicles will move over those holes if they get stuck like in trenches it would be irritating.

i dont mean to be rude but can we get the Johnson riffle or bar for troopers or limit the fg42 and how bout a counter to the panther how bout 76 mm jumbo hell i would be ok with the 1919 a4 or a6 for mg trooper but give us something to balance out these Germans


they dont