I’ve noticed a lack of lmg event squad. in enlisted so I did research on some ideas I think would be great in the game.
M1918A2 Bar field mod, (btw 10/10 welding job)
This M1918 was modified with two mags of the BAR, welded together this can probably hold 30-35 rounds max, due to its origins of the mag.
A Romanian made MG-15 with a water cooler, and can take modified MG-13 mags, with its off set site. And with the ROF of the normal MG-15, and also can take the normal mag of the MG-15 can take, too but I think it can be its own thing, like a gold order weapon or premium squad.
I see let me complete your list by adding soviet and Japanese MGs since you include mag fed MGs that roughly take 25 to 30 round im gonna try to do the same for soviets and Japan
Kubynov hopper-fed DP-28
I’m not going to go in to history of it but it’s a DP-27/28 with type 11 hoppe which means it holds 30 round
Yeah but I didn’t want to have another weapon suggestion with more experimental stuff and things that where made and used like the RT-61 and BAR field mod which that’s why I went with them then DP with hopper and Type 11 with non hopper
Also again it’s a event they usually do 1-2 event squads then 4