Event Colt Revolvers

Pick any revolver, make it pure silver for shine, and have a holster with it. Then, to make it super special, have an old western draw animation and fanning animation.




I say yes to unique pistols as event rewards, including prototypes and 19th century revolvers (they can’t possibly create any major issue).

I say yes to silver / golden / engraved / otherwise decorated pistols (as long as historically plausible, if not realistic) for the same reason.

I say no to fancy animations, except PERHAPS if visible only from the player perspective while all the others see the standard pistol animation from outside.


I say no to ugly reloading animation on fg42II, mp43, avt40…
And no to ugly chinese gold plated stg44 and ass44… that’s too counter strike esque.

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yea what that post didnt show tho was golden thomson and tokyo arsenal

anyway more engrave pistol or revolver would be nice since it always possibly that someone family send it to them (at least from what i heard)

There WAS real engraved pistols and revolvers in history:

Gen Patton legendary revolver (was lost at some point):

Astra 300 lux pistol:

sddefault (2)

What never was, is call of duty or counter strike stg44, tommy or ass44… those are ugly, really. They can remain in china server…


look i never said it wasnt real just wasnt sure that all and yea i did hear about general patton revolver


No. The Event Colt revolver will have a quick western draw animation. It will have a fanning animation. It will be an Event pistol because it is something rare that no other gun will get, not even the current Colt revolvers in the game. You cannot stop it, and you will enjoy it.