Even more plans for future updates

This is cool and all but

  • BR 4 5 removed from Stalingrad?
  • “Soft rule” to go to Tunisia when you have Crusader and to Pacific when you have Seagull?
  • BR 3 now only fights in BR 2-3 and 3-4 matches?
  • Join Any Team XP bonus? Or at least hard lock BR without up/down tiers if I agree to play “any”?
  • 1944 Pz IV J from BR 3 removed from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Soft Rule?
  • Moroccan boys don’t use bathrobes in Normandy and SAS aren’t in shorts?
  • Adaptive camo for tanks? Whitewash for winter and dark yellow for Tunisia?
  • Puma was produced from late 1943 – unlink it somehow from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Or buff it and put on BR4?

Start fixing some obvious glaring mistakes already


I hate leaving a good game, even if i loose. But i quit when my team mate dont act like team, but like bot.

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It’s for artificial balancing the DF plans to go through with and so they never addressed the concept of dispersion Except for when it comes to the Soviets and When you look at the Germans they’re screwed over by dispersion they have great sites but they can’t hit anything and when you look at the allies they have terrible sights but they can hit things but it doesn’t really matter if you can’t see your target

They should really add the ability to spawn with a template from the airborne crate if you decide to spawn in the regular way like the others and still choose one of the 4 kits.

The FG42 sniper is lying to you it’s actually a shotgun in disguise


Yes both variants are awful even in close range the shots are missing good aim is not even worth mentioning but when the game wants you to miss youre gonna miss anyway.

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We need a fat “play any faction” XP bonus… the one they actually promised before merge lol

Like I agree to be used to fill any match, give me some incentive.


You’re better off fighting close quarter combat with that rifle because if you try shooting at anyone in the long distance with that rifle you give away your position

From loved to disliked/avoid would probably go this way

2.USA/USSR with slight favor for USA but thats probably due to the ardennes.

Also the presets currently suck.

I want to have presets that link weapons/grenades/gear from “warehouse”, meaning that I will only need 1 sniper Kar98 and it can be linked to any sniper in any BR preset and when the preset is chosen, that one sniper Kar98 will be in his hands.

I don’t need 10 sniper Kar98s when I only use 1 at any BR in any given match.

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Yeah for example during D-Day i rather use a MG-42 to snipe them on the beach while giving my position away than an FG-42 to give my position aswell but not hitting any thing, i mostly replaced my FG-42 with K98s cause they rarely miss and the scope is alot better, also im still questioning the “MkB42Sniper” it could easily be a regular assault weapon with aim assist but thats not a sniper scope at all.

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Actually, i love Japan x) I love the “BANZAI !!!” thing when i charge with a katana ! It’s make me feel , like “The last Samourail”. And rifles are pretty good… They shoot straight.

Japan can be fun but its not applying to me, i think its due to the high amount of prototype weapons causing me and quite a few others to dislike it but also its odd to have machine guns with sniper scopes and none of them got a high cap, wonder if soviets fight japan at some point…that would make it quite interesting.

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Also when did MP38 and MP-40 suddenly become BR2?
Shadow patch? Any other BR changes already?

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it was mention in a new patch

I just see this

But what exactly?

didnt you see the ornage link thing? click it and you can see what they change

Wow, love it! What a great plans! One big :+1:.

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Ah thanks, you need to click the link from the game and then click the link on the website again

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I completely agree: Snipers shouldn’t have automatic weapons, it defeats the purpose of the class. The fg422 should go to gunners and the mkb to assaulters. Automatic weapons for automatic weapon classes