Even fight Event

whats the point of playing a event when you always put me in auto-lose team (aka axie)
pz 3 vs m10 what a joke

Keofox, I experienced an event …
Super ultra 0.1 second kill submachine guns and battles without squads that splurged too much money with too much difference…
Great gaming experience. The people behind the paywall are weak and the game is for those who genuinely enjoy the game.

Wait? Lmao first time someone say the m10 is OP aganaist a Panzer, anyway m10 can kill you but you can kill him in the same way, imo is the most belanced tank in normandy


A question about the event. so from what i understand you also do not get the bronze/silver orders you see in the end screen?
cause i did a few matches in the event, and checked, 0 gained orders. Just me or is it intended?

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Its intended you dont use your unit or play a campaign, so you dont need xp

Playing for 10 hours only to get few silvers kinda sucks though.
And the 440%xp bonus is deeptive af, why show it when we get fuck all


I already fedback some stuff, some poor choices of vehicles on certain campaigns, I guess f2p players will be happy when they get to drive around the paper thin flamethrower tanks.

Pilots and tankers have no main weapon, just pistols.

The fact that AA is deployed everywhere, sure it would be better to give mg nests (eng II), no tail gunners in ju188 vs A20 with 6mgs so cant fight back.

Why not put Sherman vs pzIII or IV.

Also troop composition is wrong, I cannot change it either, I would never have two flamers in my squad in first place, I would space them out to save them being wiped in one grenade.

I think the point most people are getting at is that if you were brand new to the game, knew nothing about how tank combat worked, you would be outclassed by the M10 GMC every time. The M10 GMC is objectively a better tank compared to the pz III N if you’re just looking at tank combat.

The timing limitations are terrible. Come up with something else, please.


finaly equal chance to get shot at spawn, if you are not russian of course

Played a few rounds yesterday, and I noticed how boring the game would be for me if it did run historical squad lineups.

Still cool event tho
1 match placed me at around 7000.
So Atleast below 700and I m fine.

Why you didnt point out that you get x4.4 more bronze/silver tickets… That’s the most appealing point to players.
At first, I found out that, no campaign progress, no any kinds of leveling to existed tech tree. So, wasting time on those portraits/decorator really dont make sense.
Until I check wtf is +440% booster. (Why +440? Not 400 or 500? or even 450%?)

Also, over-limit team still exist… 12vs8?

So ontop of bad random players and deserters one would get you’re also taking away the guns/stuff so there’s 0 to no chance of someone carrying his RNG team now.

" Great event ! "

P.S : Recycled reward icons.

Well. You cant kill inf with the M10 (efficiently).

I think we are not getting extra cards now. They regretted it and even took back the extra cards that the player had earned through bonuses before.

There is still squad xp, so i maxed stalingrad squads after few matches with 440% and somehow full access bonus even though i didn’t buy it

Could try 3 matches.

Event is extremely fun, simply because the teams are perfectly balanced. My opponent always have just as good stuff as I do, and so are my teammates, something lacking from the main game.


The time windows to play it… suck. I would have played more in the evenings this weekend, but the event was “offline”. And since the temperature was just great outside there was no way I would waste my time in front of a screen!

So those at the top of the leaderboard aren’t necessarily the best players… They’re simply those not having a life or whose schedule coincide with the time window.


even fight…

and you expect me to stay and play this kind of game where there is 6v10 and we need to conquer both points? ffs remove bad game modes in events…

Darkflow doesn’t realize that when you polish a turd, it is still a turd

Well I said at first that it was a great event, except for the time window, but I have to say now that the idea is great, but execution is horrible :

  • Time window that is not per server region is unsuitable. Please make it per region or open the event all day, but limit the amount of match you can do per day, to avoid farming all day, because right a lot of us can’t even play the event at it’s full potential because of the time restriction
  • “Even” fight, I can’t say how many games I got with like 6 marshals in one team and 10 low ranks in the other… I mean how is this even ? The current game finding mechanism is unbalanced in normal games, because I understand there isn’t enough players to fill games. But, PLEASE, in events like that, in which a LOT of players are going to aggro, can you implement some kind of simple rank-based matchmaking ? I mean, you guys spent money implementing a completly useless ranking system (let’s be honest, it’s useless), so why you haven’t used it in this event, to make it even ? You know, considering eveything is pre-prepared, just evenly fill up teams based on rank at least (not perfect, but better then nothing)
  • It’s supposed to be “random” campaign, random map every game… then why do I get the SAME map on the SAME campaign EVERY DAY at the same hour… I quickly notice that at 14PM UTC its Birch Grove map on Moscow, no matter how many time you leave the game, it’s always that, then like 15 mins later it’s La perelle Village, then it’s another moscow map, etc. Come one, don’t tell us its random, if it isn’t. Just say it, instead of trying AGAIN to hide stuff to the playerbase, that, let’s be honest, doesn’t trust you anymore when you annouce something, because you always try to fool us, and when we do realize it, no excuse, no compensation as always, that’s how it works right ?
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