Even fight Event

Mother russia need all Conscript can get


Alright I’ll try to join!!!

If event is still up after work…

As much as I like the idea of a fair fight, why do attackers on Berlin not have tailgunners? How do I add TG to IL2?

probably they forgot to add max crew in plane

You dont

You play as infantry on the points…

That didn’t answer the question at all, nor explain anything about the reasons behind choosing time frames instead of limited number of battles

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if you are limiting explosive pack quantities, you should also limit the thing that explosive pack was there to counter (tanks)

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event has terrible time as always for europe. it is from 15(16)-19(20) local time and i wont even talk about other time. i would rather you separate event by server and open it on local time. so for europe you would put event time around 18:00-22:00 CET which is golden time for people playing games. for US you could put it on CST.

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Engineers / AT gunners have explosion packs, AT Gunners having two explosion packs actually.

Experience you gan from those battles should be added to your overall progression at assigned campaigns respectively…
What is the overall purpose if this don’t count to real progression in grinder-like game?


To get boosters for your campaigns

Thoughts on the event:
-Like having squads be pre-selected, definitely makes it feel more balanced
-Like having it be random teams/campaigns, prevents player base from pooling in one area
-There’s a lot of smaller issues.
-Dislike not having gunners in plane squads, makes the event incredibly UN-balanced, i.e. Ju-188 has no armament besides bombs and has no defensive capabilities without gunners. This defeats the purpose of using this plane. The A20 does have forward-facing machine guns as well as bombs.
-Dislike tank selection for Normandy. In no Universe should the M10 GMC be paired against the Pz III N. That is hilariously UN-balanced.

From the other matchups in other campaigns I’ve seen Normandy seems to be the only campaign where the tanks are so obviously unbalanced but I could be wrong, haven’t gotten a Stalingrad map yet. Overall, good concept on paper, not great implementation in practice. Also yes, limiting the event to 2 4 hour windows is honestly probably one of the worst ways to go about limiting how often players can hop into the event. Doing “X number of battles per day” or just not limiting the event at all would have been FAR better. Having it set to a fixed time screws over the majority of your customer base, leading them to not want to participate in the event when it starts at 6:00am. A little more thought process into why decisions like this are made is greatly needed. Thanks for all the hard work devs, the game looks wildly different than it did in CBT, can’t believe how much has changed/gotten better!


Actually tbh the M10 v Pz III N is unbalanced and balanced somehow in a weird way. M10 absolutely shreds Pz III N but lacks a bit in terms of anti infantry, Pz III N is amazing at anti infantry but lacks a bit in terms of anti tank. M10 is still able to be destroyed with general ease by the Pz III N (Assuming you can do smth like knock out the cannon / fire at the turret ring to get to it’s side and insta pop it)

Personally I feel like the matchup should’ve been smth like Sherman vs Pz III N or M8 Scott vs Puma


This might be more of my personal preference, but no idea if others feel the same way, but Berlin’s setup feels a bit wacky, I believe it’s because of the lack of an infantry squad. You’re basically forced into using a sniper squad (Luckily a semi auto one so can be used for some good mid range fights).

Normandy’s setup is a bit weird, Pz III N vs M10 GMC seems a bit off. I personally haven’t had many issues, but it was definitely annoying trying to even pen the M10 without getting instantly blown up. Not to mention the Ju188 is left completely defenseless (I feel like just one gunner would be perfectly fine)

Moscow I can’t really say anything apart from I noticed a lack of tools on some of my tankers in my T-28 squad. Left the tank to put out a fire (Fresh tank) to learn I don’t have the tools on the soldier that was left alive.

Tunisia I won’t comment on since really the M1 Carbine I just don’t like and I personally just find Axis’ first semi to just be a lot easier to use and kill with, but everything else seems fine there!

But I do love the event and how it feels, many thanks!


I asked some friends the question, “If you were told to come up with a set of vehicles from the Allies/Axis teams in Normandy, which would you choose that would make for a balanced match?” The most prominent answers were:
-M4A2 vs pz IV
-M8 Scott vs Puma
It just feels like the little panzer III is a lightweight that got paired with a 3 time champion heavyweight fighter who’s got “Killer” as a nickname. Yes you can hit the turret ring/MG port and do great damage but the same can be said about other matchups like the pz III N vs the Jumbo, and that’s CLEARLY not a balanced matchup. But yeah I get that it is somewhat balanced and not-balanced in it’s own weird way overall with the anti-infantry vs anti-tank capabilities of both, but in a more general and vehicle combat sense, I feel it’s very much unbalanced.


More feedback, the event time is very antisocial for UK GMT players, it should be 6_7pm start for here imho.

If I remember good those avatars are from the Berlin event. Same goes to the name decorators.

Nice concept, but squads are unbalanced, no AT capabilities whatsoever, except a tnt pack or two on engineer squad maybe, small squad sizes, did I mention no AT capabilities whatsoever?

And PLEASE STOP PRETENDING that boosters are some kind of reward, because whenever you have them you get thrown in conquest failmode or worse , so their usefulness is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE, mmmkay??

And what is the deal with the XP we get after the match that is not accumulating anywhere?? So I play your event for 1h and get NO XP whatsoever, what? hope of getting your WOW prize of fail boosters is enough, like the grind is not forever?!

A hard pass for me.


They would be, if you could choose WHEN to launch them instead of having a 18h expiration time.

For reasons beyond my comprehension, apparently campaign XP is wasted, while squads XP applies if you actually own the squad you were randomly assigned.

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Thanks for the event, this is the first one that I really think is worth playing no matter if you’re f2p or premium, no matter what’s your campaign level (for the fun, not the rewards, cause those are still… let’s just say bad…). This is a very fun twist and it let you try squads and weapons that you might haven’t unlocked or played yet. Really nice.

One thing though, can we get the event active time per region instead of global ? I mean UTC time is awful in some locations, why not just open the event with the local time zone for each server (North America, Europe, etc.) that would let more player play at more convenient time. I personally have barely an hour available for my current time zone…

Otherwise good job with this one!