Even Fight Event: Going Through the War

Rewards are meh. I can’t like this art work… But that’s only personal taste.

I m only after top 50%pic coz I like it. And the German soldier looks cool with the mg30 lol

But the lag. Man on man was so bad yesterday.

Literally 2 steps foward 1 back lol

well i have love/hate relationship with this event. i love that it is equal teams, but i hate HE spam and lag.

also rewards are relatively bad. if only portraits were permanent it would somehow be worth it for collectors.

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How about an Event without any bloody Tanks and Planes?
Infantry contest of real skills instead of sitting back blasting away and lazy flyers hoping bombs hit in the right spot.

Really appreciate opportunity to play this bad event. You should really think about to ban everybody who is leaving at least for 24 hour! Please consider it seriously. I dont realy care to play 5vs10 almost every game after lossing one point…

you gotta admire MM at this point… on even fight event put noobs and console players with 2 marshals on one side, while putting highly experienced PC players on other side. truly an even fight.

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Yes, they seem to have their heads even farther up up their asses on this one lol
I just got through playing a match that took 17 minutes for it to even start AND then it only put 6 players on my team and it hat 12 pc players on opposite team AND i had crossplatform play turned off, and 3 players dropped out on my side right at the start lol it never brang anymore players in lmao
3 against 12, real _______ “even fight”!

Is it dark up in there? Hows it smell?

For christs sake wtf?

Even fight POV:

  1. your tank gets damaged, game says you can get out of the tank and repair it
  2. you get out with your commander - he doesn’t have the repair kit
  3. you get out with the next guy - he doesn’t have the repair kit
  4. you get out with the next guy - finally he has te repair kit but it’s too late as the enemy tank has decimated yours

FFS give all tankers in this event a repair kit!


Some more feedback on event, why no fighters, just attackers. (Add this to poor vehicle / plane feedback please)

Stalingrad most fun with only flame tanks, they are quite good when they can last!

When I ignored how squads were set up, I have enjoyed most the maps

Pilots and tankers Ill equipped, plus only pistols, that’s mean!

Something is definitely wring with the lag/rubberbanding in the event.
Most of my matches have issues with soldier movement and hitreg.
Weirdly enough, the regular Squads games are fun.

Match waiting times just stupid, 10 minutes to get into a match on the PS5 in the UK.

Why are the devs promoting more AA spam, the engineers should have mg nests not AA.

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