Enlisted's tank aim mechanism is totally broken and need fix

As you can see in clips, current enlisted Tank aim mechanism is totally broken and even not historical

Armament’s drection is not fixed on the sight and moving constantly due to player’s aimpoint.

This interrupt precise aiming and increase deadzone from gunner sight.

remove autozeroing(don’t know how to exactly call this) and change like AT gun or Wathuner’s gunner sight view option. or at leasts make turn off option for autozeroing


this is even worse with some tanks, like STUG and Japdpanzer.

tank rounds simply follow the penetration indicator more than their actual flight path.


I have clue what’s wrong.

Definitely not. It would just kill off immersion, that’s all.

M13 part cleary show How enlisted’s tank aim work. I think you didn’t see that part


Making things more real breaks emersion? :thinking:

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I agree with your opinion. The current tank aiming system is very complicated, and it becomes nearly impossible to aim when there are obstacles in front. Therefore, it should be replaced with a different system.


I very agree with your opinion. The current system has serious problems.


The problem is, this :point_down: is completely made up BS.


Try doing the same test in WT in Simulator mode since in WT RB they still use gun barrel as your actual tank sight.

In Simulator mode they use the gunner port view which is what Enlisted use hence why if u put an object or bush in front of the gunner optics it will block your view meanwhile in WT RB it will not since GRB in WT utilize the gun barrel of the tank it self as your PoV

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Oh, the shells weren’t fired along the gun barrel? Relied on the sights?

Also in GRB u could always use gunner optic view using

this setting which will make it similiar to Enlisted

seems like you haven’t watched the video carefully.

That test clips warthunder part is already on camera from tank gunner sight option. You can see gunbarrel in right side

just tested it and it is misaligned.

mg and gun shoot at gunners sight.


Thx for targeting this problem and your effort to visualize it in a proper way!
The way tank sights and gunnery behave in Enlisted drives me mad for years now (in situations).
Struggling through the rubble of Berlin in the Pz 4/70 A gave me some kind of PTBS i guess (having this issue of aiming mechanics in combination with a very special “coax” MG42 on this tank).

Sorry for the low quality but you can see how the shot is way off from where i aimed even at range.

It is indeed misaligned, or maybe it is not misalinged and Darkflow intentionally made it acting like this but i don’t see the reason that why would they do something like this because this seems rather erratic and doesn’t seem to offer better gameplay at all in my view.

Won’t this change mean that there is only a certain range where sights and barrel aim at the same point? Similarly to how planes in WT have gun coverage at X meters.
So players would need to take into account horizontal offset while aiming? [Edit] Though we have penetration indicator so this shouldn’t be an issue.

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here are couple of screenshots for super pershing.

last one shows destroyed pole from main gun.
second one shows MG(that is on left side of turret).

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