Make Objects that can block tank shells and bullets VISIBLE!

ill give my last game as an example
i was in a panzer 4 J and an enemy t34 85 was a few hundred meters down the same road as me
i fired and my shell mysteriously collided with some sort of invisible barrier
He fired and his shell collided too
it was in berlin so i suppose it was a pile of rubble
Anyway eventually he came closer and i guess the pile rendered for him and he shot around it hitting my side and killed me
i then promptly tried not smashing my keyboard on the floor and quit the game
My suggestion is
Increase the render distance for large objects with bullet collision or in my case, 75mm kwk 40 l48 cannon shell collision mechanics
Or figure out a better way to stop this kind of stuff from happening
if it matters, i play on bare minimum graphics


The min graphics probably dont help but I completely agree, especially while trying to spot things out of an aircraft, just watching tanks and other vehicles, let alone infantry, just popping in and out of sight as you try to view the battlefield.

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i dont rlly have a choice, my pc cant handle anything above bare minimum cuz my fps drops waaay too much

Tank aim is broken Enlisted's tank aim mechanism is totally broken and need fix