Enlisted Returns to Steam!

Can we ever get this? War Thunder does this just fine.

20 hp so like 2 Garand shot?

I hope it does a nice ā€œdingā€ metallic sound when the shield catch a bullet

I mean it only gonna cover the face so if you shoot chest it wont matter


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Wait, twice as much as soldiersā€™ HP? (I donā€™t count downed state.)
This seems very strong.


Why is the new Japanese para squad BRIV with a whole bunch of p2w bullshit attached?


it weights total of 10kg and doesnā€™t slow them one bit they can just bounce around like they are carrying nothing itā€™s just stupid, it should lower their sprint speed by -35% till they break that shield.


Because DF just canā€™t stop adding more power creeping stuff into their game soon we will have ufos that shoot mini nukes into the battlefield.


Giving it LMG-like movement penalty seems logical. Even if we disregard the balance, simply due to consistency.


More and more fakes and prototypes that never saw use in WW2.

Big sad.

So hope soon para event I was hoping paras will have some unique weapon but this one is also fine simply fitted combat engineers more

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Kinda weird decision here, why not Type Hei LMG with that big shield being a machine gunner squad, it looks clunky and doesnā€™t seem suitable with the nature of Paratrooper. Type 99 LMG sounds more logical, at least that was what they actually used.

Nice! But a bit sad to see the Japanese paratroopers being available only as premium. Hopefully, we recieve an event Japanese paratrooper squad for BR V in the near future.


Always remember, kids! Devs may not care for forum, but they do have the time to make Reddit replies to this kind of reviews:


Because I have WT linked on Steam I canā€™t do Enlisted as well
What an utter shitshow

If you really donā€™t want to install the game again, thereā€™s a workaround:

Copy (or cut) the game folder, open the Steam folder, and navigate to the following directory: Steam (if your Steam installations are on a different drive, then go to E:). Paste the game folder there. Next, find the game in Steam and click ā€œInstall.ā€ Steam will begin verifying the files. Once the verification is complete, it means the game has been found.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen this one before.

Hello, please click on the right button, after that everything should be alright.

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@MajorMcDonalds can we expect to see some Twitch drops with some cool drip anytime soon? Would love to see you hosting one of those official streams where we can get some free goodies.