Enlisted Returns to Steam!

ok that pretty good definitely on my buy list when sale arrive

i think i will go fully on steam, just so i can be a +1 active player on statistics :slight_smile:


whole sense of this update in 1 sentence


Hey, is there any way to tell Steam where my game is located so that I don’t have to download 43 GB of files I already have? Thanks.

I am full on steam since test release, already 213 hours in.

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I will catch you :stuck_out_tongue:

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So purchases will be possible on both steam and the gaijin store once linked? Will future sales be the same on both steam and gaijin store? Don’t want to miss out on linking, but also don’t want to be in a potential position where sales are better on gaijin but I’m stuck with steam.

Blackbeard from R6S anyone?
I hope this won’t be equally as strong. I member.


The shield will fall off after taking enemy damage.

USA squad has Rocket Artillery available.


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i saw an animation about him pretty funny tbh

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DF will assume your comments as threatening :rofl:

They give a 10rd mag to premium squad for br 4, they need to make a change, and the mag didn’t even looks like 10rd

Before or after his nerf? :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember Maxim mgs having shields too… I miss them.



So… no console account linking?
Can we atleast get acces to the squads? :frowning:

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So what does the shield do ? Is it 10 percent less damage received like body armor or is it completely bullet proof

It has 20 HP, after you shoot it and deplete it’s HP it falls off from the gun

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The squads are on sale on the console stores

The previous “Steam update pack” was available on consoles as well.

I’m sure these Premium squads will be available at some point

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Looks like automatic/saved presets of BRs are fixed and now finally picks up a fully upgraded a weapon instead random one on the list. That’s neat, one less annoying thing to worry about.

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