Enlisted Returns to Steam!

Why only half of the nations got something? Now japan and usa will steamroll for the next 2 months


Ho-Ri and Type hei automatic rifle also existed…


Can they block HMG/tank rounds? Or do projectiles continue once they broke the shield?

no, anything that can pierce armor will just pen the shield

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Again, you want to play new content? Pay up!

Congrats to the team though.

Shame. I believe it’s a perfect match for Paratroopers to have weapons designed for paratroopers. The Type 99 LMG Para would’ve been perfect

Do you mean this

Once again, make rocket artillery a available mechanic for ALL radios. It can be a squad upgrade

If you’re dishing it out so much in Premium and event squads then it makes sense to just make it available for ALL


There existed so many of them, that next to every soldier now carries an AS-44 or T20 :clown_face:

Allied mains at its finest…


so what the main difference between the jap para gun and TT? other than the shield and br4 part? is it any difference?

DF hates Germany that’s for sure.


Are they the same crate layout as than the event one?

The Ho Ri we get was fabricated for War Thunder by MaiWaffentrager years ago
Actual napkinwaffe
And the Type Hei auto was an utter failure

Why is the G30M (the shittier one) more expensive than the G30R for steam release?

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i tried the assault one and it have tokyo so it probably same

Yet another power creep added to the game, 10kg of weight and still -0% sprint penalty LOL, not only you get Bayonet and bipod but also shield yeah while German BR4/5 guns have none of those.




I have a feeling I was talking about something like that few weeks ago :stuck_out_tongue:

so higher dispersion welp when i tried it out it feel pretty much the same

Low BR option just because preset is just copy pasted?

it has a low br option because the gun is br 4

so question if there is an update do i have to update both launcher or just 1?

So correct me if I’m wrong but it looks like they removed a premium squad. The G30M. It was a tier II semi-auto for the allies. NO WARNING WHATSOEVER.