Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Thanks for pointing out my mistake, I meant 50%.


Tell that to non-premium players that are never at the top of the scoreboard. It’s only fast for the good players that have a premium on top of high scores


now that make more sense

still tho the idea for silver rush is kinda interesting

Start a new account without premium and see how incredibly fast you’re unlocking things? Lol

Why would you want to decrease XP rate, dude


Doesn’t matter, grind should be based from non paying players when whole the point is to encourage them to put money into game.

Just make new account and play without premium there if You like grind that much

Instead of trying to force it onto others, wtf


If they add cross-tier penalty then this will be a thing.

So you want new people to have mountains of Silver but not being able to escape from BR2 because they would get just 3k xp per match. Not a great idea, all we need to do is to increase Silver gain to match the XP gain.

You will turn game into the War Thunder where you get a lot of SL but RP gain is so damn slow that it made me quit the game.


Yeah, because reducing the exp gains by half would let to that. Lol, good joke.

You act like you’re supposed to unlock something every 3 matches

Hi James, I know your busy as are we all, bugs such as the invisible planes, A20 soviet not flying in gunner view, floating hats, these bugs sadly have reappeared… A20 new one

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currently im taking advantage of jap superiority and i gain 3k xp per match and it took like 4-7 day to unlock a new gun (br4-5 gun btw) so eh silver rush event or silver gain increase would be nice (i did suggest that at the beginning of the merge)

oh but the catch is i play like 9 match everday so oof

Sorry that I offended so many people with my opinion. That wasn’t intentional.

I am not going to continue in this conversation, since it’s pointless. I just wanted to put my opinion out. Because I believe it would be better for the future of the game. That’s all.

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I am not grasping this thing. Do we have to transition to steam? What are pros and cons? What is the cost? Deadlines?!


Your last post is still there


parrot got all his parrot delete in like second so maybe there is a shadow system going on here


you don’t have to, pros are Steam features and exclusive premium bundles, we will see about the cost, deadline is 30 days after launch


Can the bug of the gun grenade be fixed before this?


Would appreciate some clarifications. Things either are lost in translation or are intentionally vague.


  • Could you please provide a precise elucidation of this statement? Are you implying the possibility of discontinuing Steam support if it does not align with the distributor’s preferences? Or perhaps you will change from F2P to an acquisition fee? Furthermore, what metrics define the success?

  • Given the defined timeframe for transferring progress from the Gaijin launcher to Steam, it raises questions regarding its alignment with the testing phase. Is the transfer only feasible during the testing period, or will it remain available thereafter? Furthermore, could you clarify when this timeframe initiates for users? Is there a requirement to purchase a bundle in order to facilitate the progress transfer? Are we forced to pay if we want progression to transfer over to Steam?

Things are very confusing for something very generic.


You serious or screwing with all these people?