Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

In a previous communication, it was mentioned that transitioning from the Enlisted launcher to Steam would be provided at no cost within a specified timeframe.

Steam’s platform offers enhanced social features, community engagement, streamlined voice chat capabilities, as well as simplified communication and invitation processes, making it a preferred choice for many users.

In other words, with all due respect. Steam is the place to be. Everyone is using Steam and wants to be there. All their friends and all their games are on Steam.

But when you put a deadline on progression merge…what will happen, you will have players, that want to give the game another chance on Steam, or simply come back from a long break. Only to see that they miss timeframe of progression merge. Consequently, there is a risk of losing these players because you remove their main incentive to comeback. Steam.

Steam serves as a significant incentive.

I don’t know why you put a deadline on the merge process, perhaps because you have to do it manually and you don’t want to constantly come back and do it. But such a feature should be permament and idealy automated so you don’t have to manually merge accounts.

Just makes no sense to make a deadline. It’s like you almost count on people lose their progression and not move to Steam. I truly hope that is not the case.


I ran out of hearts and it’s best not to question DF magical past and for all we know at this point there’ll be a documentary sooner or later on enlisted unique and troubled past on how far we’ve come and how many bumps and falls we took to get here.

:: :blue_heart:


what if the new squad are the 100 round german mg? would you be happy or mad? im just asking since it possible but quite unlikely (if it actually a 100 round mg squad tho i would be amaze)

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Mp41 returning to the game would be really cool i hate my premium mp18 (it needs a buff)


It would be nice but I’d honestly be sad because it should have happened years ago and think of all the players we lost and all that time and all the players we could have gained if they added it before them.

And still losing thanks to arbitrary reasons with the paratroopers so our veterans can’t even protect some of our new bloods.


Hello. I was passing by and missed the beginning of the conversation, which seems to have upset you. Let me try to respond specifically to this message.

So, here is our opinion on whether we think we know our game perfectly.


Alright. You see. Of course, we know many details of our game well, but we will always rely on your opinion. After all, it is you who play this game and pay for various items in it.

If you want to help, then you are helping. And we collect your wishes on such topics.
If you want to try to pressure us by leaving a bad review and threatening us (you are trying to gather like-minded people this way, not warn us), then it won’t lead to anything. Simply because there are no ideas for improving the game here. Only threats. :slight_smile:


How will the playerbases work? Will they be separate during the early access? If so, how long will the early access last, and how long until the playerbases merge?

You collect, but there is little effect. Setting aside those new modes, maps, and features, I know they are too difficult for you to implement, but why are you unwilling to improve the economy? Torturing players to make them purchase silver? Why don’t you guys go rob?
Moreover, any player would think that the current BR matching system is very unfavorable for new players (even for old players, there are many issues). In previous posts, it was evident that many players supported change, but you only claimed that “Devs has already considered it.”

If we have no other choice, strikes are the only means.
You don’t think players are very satisfied with the current situation, do you? Even if I don’t comment, new players will still comment. What are you afraid of?
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.
If the game is really good, will someone support me? Will anyone respond to my threat?


parrot’s parrot keep getting delete wut


Shared servers.


when will the g41(m) reload be fixed :frowning:


Cool any FNG from steam will miss out on most of the good rewards from the event especially as they are engineers squads which is very useful to these FNG experience


economy and BR fix has been requested many many times already.


the parrot got whacked


If I wasn’t a parrot and I was a seal instead would you whack that still


No. It’s the same game

And yes, the bundles will be available for everyone else as well


So my feedback just got deleted.

East to say there are no ideas to improve the game when you delete them

That’s a new low


you mean club? yeah probably.

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Completely agree.

For example, can someone give me explanation for why is Chi-Nu still BR4 vehicle? Stat-wise it’s literally something between BR2 and BR3.

And this was pointed out so many times, devs definitely should be aware of it.


We need a gift where Parrot is getting smacked in the head

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart: :orange_heart: :brown_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :green_heart: :heart: :parrot: