Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Why do you make the post invisible? Fearful?


dam does that mean i get 11% discount (in technical term) still i bet it gonna be around 40 dollar tho so my bank are gonna be in pain (since they said there are 3 bundle)

My god what is this?

The development of the special version for the new platform will begin with a closed testing stage. Early Access bundles will unlock unique game content, as well as support the development and creation of unique features specifically for Steam and Steam Deck.

What? CBT 2.0? Why would anyone buy a pack JUST to play on steam? That unique game content really has to be unique.

as well as support the development and creation of unique features specifically for Steam and Steam Deck.

Unique features? What are you talking about? A steam deck is a literal windows PC all you need to do is add a control profile, and based on other hardware i played Enlisted on it should run well at low settings.

EDIT: It’s a Linux machine i forgot. My bad.

As for Steam the only things that come to mind is integration of steam friendlist and achievements.

we will be adding bundles with the same content to the Gaijin net store to ensure that we don’t offend those who support us by continuing to play via the standalone client.

Fair enough.

use your account that has access to Enlisted: Reinforced

What the *****? Are you literally creating 2 different clients for PC?

There’ll be three bundles with different content and price, but even the smallest will give you access to test Enlisted: Reinforced.They will include rare vehicles and infantry squads.

I misunderstand or you are seriously creating a second client for PC. Wow.


Furthermore, I continue to demand improvements such as lobby chat, squad chat, motion enhancements, and BR improvements, but the development team only says, “We have plans.” Did you seriously consider these tasks before planning them? Are there actually ongoing projects involving coding for motion improvements, chat enhancements, and BR enhancements? It’s very doubtful. Instead of just making plans, please take some action.


It will be probably $10, $30 and $60. Knowing Gaijin they want you to buy all three for total of $100 and for my region that will be $150… Yeah amazing prices.


it poland right? but yea that a lot gotta wait and see tho

if it something super niche i probably wont buy tho since i do want to save money (so i hope it a br3 at least or something similar like M2 Hyde would be cool)

I know that,I mean trying to find away around that by compensating console during sales somehow. It is truly somthing that this issue has gone so far,but then again DFs history of fixing things after so long shoulnt be as large as it is

Yeah Poland i doubt much going to change since they have same publisher.
Their last game also has messed up region pricing. Now i regret switching my region from Russia to Argentina since they took it and turned me back to the Poland and i’m not buying anything since everything is so damn overpriced. It’s the keyshops or nothing. You won’t see much difference on small priced packs since it’s just $1 but on more expensive packs you definitely will.



It was determinded by the regional policy, such as amount of players, costumer level and etc.

Unfortunately, it was decided by Chinese regional publishers not our developers, because it’s a seperated server without any data sharing with international one. It may suit the situation for Chinese players more than us, and it’s not related to this topic, please do not spam such message.

If you want to take it as a suggestion, please do make it like a real suggestion.


dam i see that list everyone in japan and russia tho that huge price difference

I don’t know who’s in charge of organizing these announcements but if you go to steam with how Enlisted is right now you’re gonna get burned alive and holding up the shield of early access is not gonna work forever if anything it’s gonna probably backfire.

And it also means the quality of premium squads and any premium stuff has to be top notch instead of half ass as well otherwise I think it will start another fire and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to deal with that on steam where there’s less restrictions on the forums there.


how to insult linux community 101.


i just hope it something cool like M2 hyde or Mp 41 (the one with 2 mag i believe not the ppsh) otherwise it might not be worth it


“will be released on all platforms”
you will support about NS,Android or Similar liunx platform?

I am very disappointed with Devs. You ignore interesting suggestions from players, treat their reasonable demands in a perfunctory way, and even cleverly hide my posts (aren’t you just afraid that new players will realize that their income is low?)
Are you just so arrogant? Do you think you understand games better than gamers? Do you still need to use OBT-2 fees to prevent veteran players from giving reviews?
We need a more specific announcement to let us know what attractive changes will be made to the Steam version.
If you continue like this, we will take similar actions as WT players.


what about my Game Boy?


Maybe but I do not think the early access shield gonna last forever and they don’t have the same excuse that Warframe has and that place is a lot nicer to its players even though the game is a grinding abyss.


Ain’t they were supposed to launch the game fully in the Q3 2023, then launch it on Steam after the Full (Gold) Launch? Why are we are now going back to the Early Access? Or maybe because ending OBT and full release of Enlisted was just a overly optimistic idea, year since then and game still is full of bugs, half backed features and don’t feel like it’s ready.


My bad its a linux machine.

You probably mistaked It with the steam machine Who was Windows with a fancy name

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