Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Its a BR1.3 vehicle in War thunder, giant, slow paper thin armor. Juts a bigger and slower T-28, M3 lee both of which are BR2. There no way in the universe this is Pz4/KV1 material, its hopelessly outmatched by either

Sdkfz251/9 is BR3 because its an APC + infantry squad + 75mm carrier.

If u make T35 an APC than sure, BR3 it should go


With additional cannons that can pen most Panzer IVs with ease and additional mg turrets. Also has like 10 crew members.

In Wt it also doesnt fight infantry, which is its main ability.

Yeah because that is totally useful for a APC since they are meant to be campers/ worse tanks and not worse rallies.

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Event sdkfz is br 3 because its a halftrack with a 75mm, its got more utility than a tank.

Would love to see both of these in the game. I don’t know how they would tackle the T-35 having 10+ crew. Either its not fully crewed or some of your squad just can’t leave the tank ig. Both tanks deserve to be BR2 though, they may have have a lot of firepower but they are massive targets with weak armor. The same as the M3 Lee, Grant, and T28.

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U clearly dont play T-35 in war thunder, Ive had it for 6?+ years now; No it cant pen Panzer 4s, it dies to them 98% of the time.

Its going to be a BARN in Enlisted, I still hope it comes its 10 man crew is no joke, but any BR1 ATR or det pack will ammo rack it instantly and send you straight to heaven.

Again, its a SLOWER T28, not even T28E; If u think something twice as big and twice as slow with same ammo makes this Br3


Idk, I believe it has greater anti infantry potential. But maybe I could be wrong.

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Nope, T-35 cannon is the KT-28, yes, a 76mm cannon, but on the war thunder wiki it’s a LOW VELOCITY CANNON, and it’s stats for penetrations are 37mm at 10m and 100m at 0° angle. It’s only good to kill infantry and only the 2 other cannons are good

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Well, I’d never put this tank to BR3 for its AT capabilities.

Well. I played War Thunder enough to know that there are no infantry and “better” maps/ maps that allow flanking.

You can do that with most Panzer IVs and the Panther too.

In Wt it also doesnt fight infantry, which is its main ability.

LVT4 comes with 5 MGs, no one says its BR3 material.

Well. I played War Thunder enough

Fantastic so you should know how armor n stuff works.

T-35 has 20-30/20mm front/side and a cannon that pierces 37mm of armor; Basically BR1 Weapon + Armor. Whoever here thinks this BR1 capabilities vehicle deserves to be in BR3 needs some basic math lessons.

BR1 armor/weapons + large crew & multiple MGs but cancelled out by horrendeous size and attrotious speed/mobility.

Ill end it here; its placement should be as obvious as it was IRL; Id never be as insane to suggest Panzerkampfwagen Neubaufahrzeug is a BR3 vehicle either; but both would be fantastic early war additions, just like in WT.


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Well, because they’re just MGs with overheat mechanic.

Stummel comes with one short 7,5cm, and there’s quite bunch of people saying it should be BR3.

(251/9 aka Stummel)is a MG/medic squad and a spawn point. Yes it should be br3.

Tanks are tanks, theyre not rated as IFVs/APCs, we rate them in game by theyr armor/firepower/ mobility.

BR1 mobility/armor/firepower/ barn sized target + large crew is maybe BR2. Sure if u want to make a heavy shit tank a spawn point for some reason kick it up to BR3 but is anyone suggesting heavy tanks like Tiger/IS should be spawn points??

Show me a single BR1 tank with similar firepower, lol.

Short 7,5cm and 76mm are BR2 guns (with the only exception of stummel). And this tank has much more than that. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t know that the 45mm cannon is so bad in terms of pen.
Or that the 37mm cannon has decent splash dmg against inf.

Apparently, some useless APC does, so everything is possible.

It’s not like most tanks are fast anyway. Or that anti-infantry is pointless for a tank, which is why TDs rule.

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M3 lee lol? In fact superior mid-length barrel 3.7cm + 7.5cm cannons +2 usable MGs? (should be 4 really but hull mounted MG another story) also at BR2?

@ BR1 basically every single tank has double/triple the pen of a the T35s main gun. So were trading HE for AP. Please dont argue how this, it is pedantic at this point to tell me how you prefer one stat and not the other.

Is anyone here suggesting M3 lee or Grant is BR3 material?? Seems like most of these comments are just writing for the sake of writing.


Why are you so toxic lol?

But I agree, it should probably be BR2.

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Well you would be able to fire 2 of its cannons most of the time, the third would be pretty awkward to use and not really much use (situational).

Fire power on par with the grant but “much” easier to kill. I think its only 30mm armor so AT rifles effective too.

German br 2 cannons would pop it pretty nicely

*also 3 guns, more ammo wracks for boom

I think it would be a pretty fun tank!!! But the Real “premium” would be for the guy that blows it up lol. Tank kill plus 10 fee kills!!! nom nom nom :stuck_out_tongue:

German Nb.Fz would be about the same!. Great anti infantry with Excellent German 75mm reload and 37 mm
but squishy as all hell
(13-20mm of armor)


Yeah, it should definitely be BR2. I haven’t played low BRs for while. So I misremembered few things.

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hello did you see that on Steam it says early access for the game?


yeah! I posted about it a bit ago, any idea why it changed?