Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

I’m experiencing the worst lag i have ever seen everyone is warping around what the hell is wrong with their servers even at 3am. Yesterday dude survived 10+ point blank shots from the mg34 to the head. Now i know why Germany lost the war they were fighting vs Terminators.


So we have to pay on steam to play and on previous post about Enlisted will release on steam said that we need to connect ours account within 30days to continue ours progress, so that mean we need to pay on steam within 30days to continue the progress or we will start over ?

No, there’s not going to be any time limit.

I think they will tell us a day before release.

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This thing
I know it’s fake but still pretty funny.


The t35 Is the thing more similiar, and i think would be a good br 3 premium tank


Any info about the early access bundles ?

Launch on Steam in 3 days and still no news.


No leaks either which is unusual. Event rewards are usually leaked few days before events. I was expecting for them to launch preorders by now.

Br 3? That thing can be penned by a freaking fork. :grinning:


Definitely my main gripes with the game right there. Especially the limited time events. I get why they do it. However im not an 18 year old with all the time in the world anymore. Wish there was a separate progression tree for old event squads. Maybe just make the grind a bit longer or just bring them back occasionally idk


It’s launching “tomorrow” and yet we still have no info about those bundles


You waited this long surely you can wait until release. And it’s a total failure from the developers.

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Reversed Merge? We know when but not what?

I love those multi turret/gun designs. They just look cool

Wouldnt br 3 be a little high? Its very squishy, not great arcs on the 45mms and the 75 is okay.



With ±0 MM no, but with curret 2 queues policy yes.


Hmmmm. I found it not much better than a t-28 in call to arms. Most BR 2 tanks would blow it to pieces, just like the t-28 IMO

Id put it where the grant, IIIN and t-28 is myself…

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Event Sdfkz Is br3 because of the 75mm, so i Guess the t35 should be putted in BR3 to


But that’s a mistake because mains of other factions complained about it, and as with all good things, ruined it a little bit. There’s many vehicles in all factions (lol at Japan) with br 2 tanks and 75mm :thinking:


“after we released it” So packs coming at same time to gaijin store as steam? Im trying to support the game devs and buy it from ur store so I hope we get equal treatment here.