Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

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This sounds moderately better than the gambling lootbox

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What if itā€™s a reward for the highest spending active (with their wallet) users :skull:

Probably around 10k active players.
Thereā€™s around 50-60 active forum members.
Iā€™ll highball it for you and say all 60 donā€™t like this decision.
So thatā€™s not even 1%
Therefore not a majority.

So no, itā€™s not an objective opinion. Thatā€™s called confirmation bias.
Once again, I am telling this to you as someone who strongly disagrees with this decision!

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Donā€™t forget the other portion of people who loathe this decision but donā€™t bother visiting neither forums nor discord. The ones who wishlisted the game and will be met with a paywall.

This argument about whatever size the ā€œloud minorityā€ might be is irrelevant at this point. What will be important is the silent majority and influx of people (whatever that might be with a price tag). We will get to see live and in person how the game is perceived on Steam in just 5 days.


So you might as well shut down the forum and discord.

any price expectations ?

thanks but thatā€™s not how statistics work, but you act like everyone outside of the forums love this decision.
firstly its messed up to do this, so secondly most people arenā€™t going to love this, they either donā€™t care, neutral, dislike or hate this.
ill show you how not to fail highschool math
we donā€™t know what all the people think but
plus considering all the facts and looking across forums, reddit, discord, youtube
youā€™ll at most get 700-1000+ people
now looking across all these sites a majority of 70-80% dislike/ hate this and others donā€™t care or are neutral, with a small percentage of people who love this
so yes a majority hate this as the other people arenā€™t included
that is how ANY SURVEY WORKS
itā€™d be not smart
if you want a guess, scale these numbers

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yeah 100%

atleast 60%


(Why doesnā€™t the forum embed GIFs anymore btw)


Yeah, I ainā€™t reading all that.
Why should I, when you havenā€™t been paying attention to what I said?

I never said this. You made that up.
If enough people dislike the decision on the forums, one can reasonably assume that thereā€™s plenty of people elsewhere that feel the same.

My issue was you were making up false statistics with no evidence. You donā€™t know if 90% of people hate this or not. Itā€™s not ā€œgetting the point across,ā€ itā€™s passing off a guess as a fact.

You can make assumptions all you want, but donā€™t walk around here like you know everything.

thatā€™s is exactly why you should read the rest of my post


I think youā€™re missing some context. I am also very not okay with the steam release, my issue was someone was attempting to argue (without evidence) that over 90% of people also hated the decision.

an obvious exaggeration

Nah, I got better things to do.

Nice attempt at trying to save face, but thatā€™s not at all how you framed that originally.

Of course not.

But regardless, I was just joking on the percentages flood.

the 90% was an exaggeration, but the majority wasnā€™t

Just a quick reminder of current enlisted servers issues (lags in this case) before the steam release
For those thinking it was my connection : iā€™m using a 10Gb/s fiber connection