Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

I believe it has no relevance whatsoever.

perhaps because of the reactions of players on the forum and steam on the new

As far I know, Enlisted is still in beta (=early access) and itā€™s not going to change with steam release. It has no real value is it labeled on steam. For us, players, literally nothing will change anyway.


wrong, we will get 3 new players willing to pay for a beta game thatā€™s been in beta for 3 years.

This will change the course of the game. Once every 100 games youā€™ll get an actual human to play with^^

Well if they donā€™t get to sell enough packs aka cash grab they wonā€™t release the game fully on steam.

i hope the squad info come in at reset time instead of 14 UTC since idk it make more sense to me to announce it first before it launch (beside tomorrow is also when the stage reset so yea)

They wonā€™t since it will be unlisted from Steam but existing customers will get same updates as on enlisted.net so unofficial official launch will be there but without any fanfare abandoned by itā€™s creators. And thatā€™s just the worst case scenario they will probably launch it anyway for free few months from now.

so the new really is going to arrive right on release dam man it will take me maybe 3 hour+ to finish 20k event so i guess i could take a look while playing

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About 1h to go.

(And Iā€™ll be working when it drops, so Iā€™ll miss the storm while itā€™s fresh :cry:)


Youā€™ll miss the lag :thinking:

It shouldnā€™t be too bad :sweat_smile:

is there any new thing on steam version?

You know the steam trailer does look amazing!!. as amazing as it should beā€¦

But the scale in the trailer you could only get in Modsā€¦or Big Action Mod

Ive been hoping for the scale to been increased!



Yeah, itā€™s sadly just a dishonest and misleading PR.


War thunder videos also feature neatly lined up tanks that are just a death trap to do ingame; its just field parade propaganda


more getting at you cant spawn more than two in haha


what if the trailer actually is a tease for future mode tho? that would be cool imo but highly unlikely


big action mod showed it could be done and ran wellā€¦Im hoping for some scale increase soon :smiley:


Nope, those footage that showed multiple tanks are from Tunisia CBT trailer.

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They should increase tank limit to three since they are getting so easily destroyed by rocket launchers or planes, but also make greyzone much smaller, and maps bigger and give engineers better AT/AA structures to build at higher BR.

30min left and zero news about Bundles niceā€¦