Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

ok i have a question if i bought one of the pack do i get one of those “badge”? like those old stalingrad/pacific bundle?

Please no, I really don’t want to deal with premium squads suddenly becoming overpowered pay to win bundles like War Thunder.

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I think that is a rational and correct decision.
I don’t think Enlisted is probably up to the level of an official release on Steam right now. Mainly because of bugs and BR issues.
Hopefully Steam’s Early Access and testing will get the game in optimal shape.

I’m not talking about that I’m talking about what happened with Japan and how the APC didn’t work and how they rushed it.


Hey James, can I continue to play from the official launcher version after purchasing the Steam version?
I want the Steam bundle, but I want to continue to play from the launcher.

You can buy same pack in gaijin net store after we released it.


wait so if i buy it from steam but play from launcher i get to keep those pack yes? (just want to make sure)

I see, then I’ll buy it at the gaijin store.
Thank you James.

The squads are credited to your account, so you’ll keep them even when logging in with the launcher


ah ok thank you for the clarification i have been worrying about a lot lately so thank you

If I buy the bundle from the gaijin store, can I still play the steam version?

Kinda shame you can still login through non-steam client/laucher.

I wanted to use steam as another security step.

Are those even premium squads? You call them “rare” but nothing if they give xp premium bonus or not. If you will be selling old event squads for $$$ then it will be extremely lame.

I asked the same question. You can buy the Steam bundle, link your account with Steam, and never use Steam again afterwards if you so desire, only using the current launcher.

It’s just a plus, it won’t block anything.


Thanks joe, looks like you will be on the DF staff one day just like Shiivex. :smile:

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Ahah :smile:
At this point I wouldn’t mind if offered. I’m just… always on the forum :zipper_mouth_face:

That’s what happens when your job has long wait times…

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As expected no answer if those “rare” squads are premium or not. Expect the worst. A simple yes/no would be more than sufficient.

maybe you can also be on the team one day (maybe all the OG would be on the team one day i guess just like gastano)

I like to lash out at people I don’t like, so there will never be an offer to an official team. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know about that. I know some mods and helpers and testers who did use to lash as well. But when you become an “employee” it’s down to “can you keep your cool and be professional, or continue acting like a child?”
They become neutral.

Anyway, we shall see :thinking: