Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Well since my comment was deleted without giving any reason or system message, how can i learn not to break rules if i don’t know which i broke.

And i wasn’t even insulting in my response to keo, i was just pointing out how unfairly he worded his argument.

So which rule did i break when i pointed out there is genuine feedback on forum and not just insults and threats.
Asking so i can give feedback the way snail wants.
Because You know soon there will be steam where snail can’t delete every response they don’t like


Why would they put best BR5 tank for US into something that suppose to be be basically starter pack for steam players?

Please, stop being dramatic.


Why would they put account linking behind a paywall? You could drive yourself nuts with questions like that. But more often than not the answer is greed.

Written in big, bold letters. GREED


Keo was talking about recouping development time/cost and work so you have their reason. Their revenue is worse than expected due the merge and now steam launch that took waaaaay longer than expected. They were way too optimistic and expected that everything would be finished in Q3 of 2023 and we are at the end of Q1 2024 and we are just barely finishing their roadmap of 2023.


And they got hit in the face due not being able to transfer accounts
Those veterans wrote negative review and have left the game for good. And new players played for a while, put a positive reviews but haven’t stayed for long look at the current player count:
It’s nothing what it could be if they allowed to transfer accounts, now they have lost a lot of veterans due being greedy. DF situation is not as bad because you will at least get something for your $ but forcing it on us it’s almost as bad as not allowing it at all. I have over 20 premium squads, had 2 years of premium and they still want more money from me. If their dev team wouldn’t be so disorganized we could have merge and steam launch much earlier and they won’t need to recoup their revenue loss in a scummy way.


They got honest reviews (non-review bombed) from the veteran players that wanted to use thieir favourite platform and a reason for writing those reviews was greed of the wargaming. It should be relevant for the Darkflow because they are behaving in similar way.


Ohh, that’s why the game has 85% on steam rn… It definitely wasn’t irrelevant.

If you want to call it honest review bombing, okay. That’s irrelevant as well…

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Just removed it from the wishlist.

The reason they removed it is because they want you to praise them and not question any of the debatable decisions


I think the word you were looking for is “deplorable”.

Yeah, sucks to be them. If the microtransactions were micro people might even indulge, getting them their revenue. I don’t see why it is our problem that they fucked up at every turning point since the inception of their game. Ever since 2021 they’ve been fixing their atrocious design decisions. They have made their bed, now it’s time to lay down.


We’re not meant to say anything bad about DF for all they do is truly great just like Todd Howard who never ever screwed up because


Lol, those bucks are big for you?

Now I finally understand the frustration…

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Yes 40-70 euro for a bunch of pixels that alter the game in no way shape or form is “big for me”. In fact it would be big for everyone with an ounce of common sense, regardles of income.


What I don’t understand is why you’re still here… If it’s so bad. :man_shrugging: honestly, doesn’t make any sense to me… Mhhm…

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I would say why some people are staying here it’s because this game has great potential But when it comes to the devs they don’t seem to be the greatest at keeping promises with how things seem to be going.


I see you bought almost everything that is scary I’m sorry what happened to stalingrad for you

Why I’m still here? Because as much as it frustrates me, I am still passionate about the game and care for it even if the developers disappoint more often than not. Even if suggestions get ignored, I have to believe that voicing my concerns will in some effect help this travesty in development.

And there has to be someone to balance out your nonsense.

The developers aren’t your friends. They don’t have your best interest in mind as they have clearly shown. It’s okay to demand better and to want improvement.


So they stay here and waste their time trying to change the game. While there are plenty of players who enjoy it the way it is now.
And these fake individuals will spread hate, threaten, blackmail and ridicule the devs to achieve their change.

No comment.

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I don’t know if it will be seen, among that flood, but…

Genuine suggestion:

  • Let the paid packs happen like planned BUT allow everyone to join anyway without buying them.

It would probably remove a bit of anger… those packs will just be for those wanting a “jumpstart”?

What do you think?


They’re voicing their opinions and this game has great potential if it’s driven in the right direction so they should be allowed to voice their opinions