Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

They way I see it - the starter packs should be:

5 man engineers premium squad, fully unlocked
1 x gold order engineer with some free perk re-rolls
4 x basic soldiers, unleveled but equipped with all the basics
Enough silver to purchase the first squad unlock and fully equip it’s first soldier.
Something like 7 days premium and 300 gold towards battle pass.

As above, but with a vehicle squad on top.
Extra premium time, gold and silver

All the above, plus a unique squad - like paras/APC or something.
Extra premium time/silver and maybe throw in the battle pass…

I think this would guide new players the right way, not upset the balance and not be pay to win.

Crucially though:

All should be BR2 max - there are plenty of high tier premiums to buy later, these are starter packs. Don’t mislead new players unwittingly into high tier games. Also don’t want to overshadow all the early unlocks - just compliment them.

All factions equal - the last thing we want is an obviously unbalanced player based like we just saw with Japan! People will always have their favourites, but all starter packs should be as even as possible.

current exp gains are not a problem because unlike before we have BR (even if the system is not perfect) you don’t need to rush to the M2 carbine since you are not facing Stg or FG-42 every match. Never understood people being also mad at this on WT since unlike wargaming games lower tier are much more playable.

Now Silver gains are a completely different animal, like in War Thunder it is very likely you will have more unlocked stuff than the ones you can buy specifically around tier 3. I introduced the game to my IRL friends when the merge was released and all of them are at Tier V but they can’t buy the P-47 or the Pershing because they are still buying mid tier tanks and planes.

Soldiers, upgrades and weapons cost too much. An MP-40 or a Bren cost as much to buy and fully upgrade as an FG-42 II or a 30. cal.

I think all 3 bundles will contain multiple premiums they also mentioned they will have vehicles not just soldier squads. They are really vague so we won’t know for sure. And how will you know for which nation you will be getting that squad with engineer(s)? If they give everyone premium of the same nation we will end with one nation full of new people playing and other being half deserted.

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Yeah that was my point at the end - whatever they do has to be mirrored for every nation.

what you mean? i still see his post up there

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i was referring to his idea of halving current xp gains that would make grinding weapons just terrible experience.

also in general i dont like idea of grinding. if there was option of paying e.g. 60$ to unlock all tech tree weapons i would take it over premium accounts + grind. i want to fully experience the game, not be limited by grind. some people may find this enjoyable, but i dont.

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Look at his profile he’s suspended temporarily


oh i see dam see this is why we must restrain ourself a little bit


True but I don’t think he’s done anything to truly get a suspended


Sturmpanzer 2 as the new Steam premium? It’s been sitting in the files for years.


He did, and was hard stuff, trust me staff never suspend people because yes but there Is Always a reason


oh man imagine the steam bundle are these vehicle that were gone from very early day that would be amazing ngl

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ah shuck i have a bit of like left gotta be careful now

would love to get the KV2 tho

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Imo probably Is a collection with different premium squad for different BR, but Hope Is the last to die, maybe finally we are gonna see the kv2


We also have Churchill 7 in the files, one on the right is a current premium Churchill 5



dam KV2 everywhere almost like they were drop from the sky

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Eh? Didn’t we just talk here earlier? What happened I’m so busy I miss a lot of the juicy gossip :sweat_smile:


He was “hard stuff” according to gastano