Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Think I started around 2019-2020, stopped because I was trying to transition from Arcade to Realistic at fricking 5.0 US (also known at the M6A1, that POS) and couldn’t figure out how to be “good”
Later on a friend taught me how to play properly and I can get 1-3 kills a match on average, and sometimes get random 5-10 kill rampages

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yea i never manage to get more than 7 kill i believe but it a different story in enlisted (i still watch warthunder meme tho for fun)

Yeah I’m “good” at Enlisted. One of two games I’ve ever done better than mediocre. I genuinely suck at most games, but dang I love them triple digits I can hit in this game


Even with double premium (time and squad) silver gain is pitiful, i’m constantly at near bankruptcy. XP is more than plentiful.
Hope those packs will offer BR2 and BR5 premiums. So they could have something for new players but also something for veterans (since we have three bundles, they could even be BR3 or BR4)

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Ditch the Preemie Time and go for the BP. Cheaper in the long run and I got plenty of ES

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yea same also the gun i love those about enlisted

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YES Enlisted has hands down the best Bolt Actions I’ve ever used in any video game. They do the damage they’re SUPPOSED TO DO. Now if only my Garand wasn’t one of the worst rifles in the game…


Somehow yes and apparently a negative review after paying for a service is being equated to a crime :man_facepalming:


I don’t think BR5 is good approach for “starter bundle”.
Especially since income etc isn’t multiplied/influenced by level of BR.

I’m hope they are going to be a premium squads with not binded weapons. Kind of like the Soviet paras are now.

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I don’t know - I’m just happy to work towards something. I think if you could just buy and upgrade 20 auto rifles in one go, it would could break the game. Having to decide and prioritise is part of it - otherwise why bother with silver or upgrades, just give everyone the same stuff.

It’s the reason I play this over other games - I don’t want to just have everything, I want to work towards it.

Definitely don’t think anything should be above BR2 though for a starter bundle - new players should be any where near BR5.

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on that i can agree on unlike COD where bolt action is super slow to cycle for some reason.
Enlisted bolt action is the best i have ever use and it pretty satisfying

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I was thinking more of BR2 squads/tank for the first bundle, 2nd should have mix between BR2, and BR3-5, and last one (most expensive) focus on BR5 with a few BR2-4 premiums.

And unless it’s the biggest, slowest sniper rifle with the upgraded ammo, longest barrel, no suppressor, etc, none of them 1 tap people if you don’t hit from the shoulders up

Meanwhile, in Enlisted. Crack kill Crack kill Crack kill

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didnt it say the “bundle” will include all 3 squad tho?

But if you can buy a BR5 squad, you are going to use it - but all your other squads would be basic bolt actions and unleveled squads etc

they said we will have three bundles with different content and price “They will include rare vehicles and infantry squads.”

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That’s the price to pay for not understanding how Battle Ratings work

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Oh I know, and new players won’t. That’s the point.

This will teach them a very valuable lesson don’t always go for the deluxe and most expensive edition just buy the most basic one first.

Then tell them. We can help these people. You don’t buy the Abrams and use it in your 2.0 lineup. Well, idiots DO but they’re demolished and then shunned and cyber bullied so they learn not to do that