Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Fear Of Missing Out

So like
Premium squads preorder bonuses
Limited by time Events
Gold order weapons disappearing after a while
Premium squads getting removed

and now, not even seen before

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Fear Of Missing Out. Pretty much event squads.

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Ooohhhh that’s why I couldn’t figure it out. Used to F standing for the f word. Thanks

Whatever works for them but that just comes down to Xbox and PlayStation and DF somehow working something out

Come on, i got like first replay on most Event posts praising them for giving us gold weapon orders.

Any new map devblog i’m there saying it looks awesome.

Come one dude, don’t just make up stuff about people.

Reason i don’t like to write too much positives is because it’s redundant, they barely read forum posts so i like to sneak in some feedback to make game better. Not just patting ourselves on the back all the time and waiting for new premium squads like good gaijijn dogs


you’re right
But shouldn’t say it
It hurts my heart

Now I want to go back to the game and be a psychopath
Complaining that my teammates are all monkeys and parasites
After finishing the game, I went to bed with high blood pressure.

people are not going to want to pay money for a game that operates as a f2p game

you know, premium membership? battle passes? you expect customers to pay money to access the game, then try to sell them even more?


That’s certainly true, but regardless; what I get out of that review is that you got thousands of hours of entertainment from that game before getting fed up and tired of it. There must be something to it if you played that much so it seems worth a try

The playerbase asked the game to be like War Thunder. Well here is your War Thunder. Lie in the bed you made


How could such a thing be invented at all? Second CBT and prepay for f2p?

I see a lot of people who don’t know what a review is for. They should go and read a book of software development process to understand why the feedback stage is so important.

It’s far from being a “threat” to devs. And let’s not confuse it with review bombing, that’s just being ignorant or plain dumb.

Review bombing = bad
A bad review WITH a real reason so devs can improve their product = good.

Is really THAT hard to understand?


Next step - increase price of premium by 2x to match the cost of the WT’s premium.

Is this diabolical enough? Can i get hired by Gaijin now?

Still better than live service games with “AAAA” prices like skull and bones or diablo.
Not even mentioning they are planning to have “must have” DLCs

You will always be able to play enlisted completely f2p, just not via steam

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True that. AAA devs are garbage at this point

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yea i never understand that tbh like if a game piss me off in a very VERY bad way then i dip and never touch it again dont know why they dont do that tbh (i guess it kinda like a toxic relationship in a way? i guess?)

Sounds like steam players buying bundles may likely get some premium time too - so this solves all the free to play complaints about xp/silver grind. It’s fine for premium - never understood why people expect the same experience for free.

Also seen console complaints about price but console is more expensive than pc for all games… always has and always will, it’s the drawback of a cheap platform.

Glad it will prevent shameless review bombing too - waiting to see about how transferring to steam works though now.

Also, the premium squads for steam players MUST have to be BR2 max haven’t they? Otherwise new players are going to be walking straight into BR3+ without any unlocks…

Stockholm Syndrome! At least that’s why I still play War Thunder…,

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you play that for how long? mine was maybe a year but i dont hate it tho just dont got a lot of time

Monthly free games and near constant discounts with often 80%-90% offs is more expensive?

I played it that much in the first place because I initally played it for free, endured the grind for a time only to be frustrated by it. Understanding that the concept of a free-to-play game I bought premium with the illusion that it’d ease the grind, it did, but only marginally, frustrated I suggested changes, was faced with events, with grinding geared to the max, that only aggravated my frustration. An uncountable number of similar suggestions were written and promptly ignored, I wrote a negative review and quit. It’s because I spent money that I felt that my opinion would matter more to those who were starting the game with the false hope that without spending money or even if they did that they’d get to top tier in a reasonable ammount of time. I simply stated things as they were, I didn’t try to scare anyone from playing it in the first place. The concept of the game as I initally played changed with time, thus my change of opinion and warranted critic