Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

Agreed, review bombing has nothing to do with the quality of the product, it’s just a tool to blackmail devs by scaring off new players.


I’m too opinionated to chill out unfortunately. Lol

And yeah, we need more of us speaking up to the devs about this. I bring it up every time a new test opens, but don’t see anyone else. Shoot I was ENRAGED by the Merge test! Now it’s just the status quo I have to try and get them to change. Man don’t you just love ignoring and silencing 2/3 of your income?



Very difficult for me to take those seriously.

“This game is bad!!! But I’ll keep playing it for hours a day!”

They’re making clowns of themselves. Like split personalities. “Don’t play it! But I’ll play it!”

Just don’t play if you don’t recommend it, really…


I fully expected a joke. Color me surprised

All I see is the invasion of more noobola.

Those who claim, in advance, they will review bomb BUT STAY HERE AFTERWARDS, ARE the joke! :smile:


If they were to actually start listening to you and give console what they wanted you’re gonna have to clear up some more room on your PlayStation to have all that extra room for the testing of new things


It’s the epitome of entitlement and narcissism.

HEAR HEAR! Them poor saps making themselves miserable playing a game they hate

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Like I give a flying flip bout space. I got an external hard drive for a reason

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How hard is it to understand. I have fun playing with people i met in game.

But i know i can’t recomment this game to my irl friends, as it takes special kind of mentality to endure grind and constant FOMO.

I like to play it sometimes, but i know most people won’t enjoy it, especially if they start from scratch and have to catch up to play with me. Let’s face it they will have to play even longer to get to where i am. Silvers income were slashed post merge, i know many new players struggling to buy anything with limited currency


Congratulations but I don’t think everyone else has the same option So they’ll have to make a separate client option for people who want to download it and try helping out in the test servers and things like that.

That’s…how tests work? A separate client

After reading the content
I only saw a bunch of (free players)
Dissatisfied with an (Early Access) bundle that has [Multiple Unique Squads] and the ability to [Merge Accounts]

I guess they just want everything to be free
or whatever they think is fair
For example, taking advantage of equipment gaps to massacre newbies or something like that

Aight I’m bad a acronyms. What’s “FOMO?”

Yes but how would they implement that onto Xbox or PlayStation is the question without somehow breaking something at the same time.

That is for events if I remember correctly

Far as I can tell get it on the consoles as its own entity with name like “test server” or something to differentiate it, and then roll out the updates on that to test them before they get implemented onto the main game

Well gee, idk.

You NEVER post ANYTHING positive about the game. Ever.

Yet you’re still here.

There must be something good, other than the “people you met”. If not, just bring those ppl with you to another game that satisfy you and them? Play helldivers or something?

From all your posts, Enlisted is the worst game of the entire creation.

Man, make up your mind.

Anyway, very busy, be back later.

Knowing DF, that pack will either be the best deal in the game or worthless.