Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

I love reading long, detailed negative reviews nitpicking every detail of the game on steam; and seeing that it’s been written by someone with thousands of hours of playtime in this game they hate so much.

It’s hilarious. I can’t ever take them seriously because I know this person telling me not to play the game is probably going to spend another few thousand hours playing it after writing their review.


Maybe that’ll work but I think it’s actually squad related

aw well i can still inflate those too if that the case

I don’t mind if they show up so called (paid beta)
Because there are many games that have this kind of thing

The current early access gift pack will include the so-called (unique squad)
This means you are not being paid to be cannon fodder or an electronic black slave.
Instead you bought a whip from a slave owner and practiced how to use it
This way you can force free players to fight in cotton fields in future open beta versions.

Officials may really need more funds now
So I am willing to buy this gift bag
This is not just to torture newcomers on STEAM
It’s more about spending money to support the games you like.

The most important thing
The early testing gift pack will prevent a large number of old players from entering the STEAM version and committing massacres.
Only paying players can participate

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There is a difference between me flying 3 plane squads doing event while sleeping,

and new guy joining this game where he would have to play or pay even more than me to get to the point i’m already in.

i don’t understand why would you make a closed test/beta/early access if the only difference is the “play” bottom? same server, same content this isn’t like campaigns early access. I had some friends waiting for the Steam release to play your FREE to play game and i don’t think they will be happy to hear they have to “pay” for the game.

Those packs better be super good or one of them is super cheap like 1 to 3 dollars, because you are not giving any kind of incentive to play the game on Steam.


Hmm. By 100% you say :sweat_smile:

My review will look like this

Bipods doesn’t work since 2021. And yet you can purchase premium squads with promotional materials showing soldiers using bipods.



you are definitely gonna get a deep thought award im sure of it or maybe poetry award i guess

welp either way im sure you are definitely getting at least 1 award of some kind

Fixed that for you

A less grind would incentive free to play gamers to actually spend something, is the opposite. Like the price itself of the premium squad, just too much.

No. In the state where I live, blackmail is literally a crime.

And reviewbombing is nothing else than blackmail.

It’s like if I were in a relationship in which I’d unhappy. And instead of breaking up, I’d start spamming my girlfriend’s social networks with all the reasons why our relationship wasn’t working.

Anyone who thinks that behavior is legitimate. Is a completely immature individual who shouldn’t have access to the internet.

If you’re so bothered by the game, stop playing it. That’s the best way to express your disapproval.
But no, you want to blackmail them into changing the game to your liking. And you’re taking other players hostage because you’re deliberately harming the game.

I will never respect that. And I will think one thing about people like that.



They’ve blatantly ignored me every time I’ve asked about it. Won’t even give me time of day. Other people have said crap like “it’s just not possible” or “pc is just easier.” To which I respond apparently PUBG has its test server on consoles and CoD releases the open test on consoles every year. It’s possible. They just don’t acknowledge it. At this point it’s a game. If I can get a response out of them about it, they lose

As for idiots being idiots, well I’m not opposed to picking up my enemy’s weapon and using their tactics. They want to act like we’re second class gamers? I’ll act like they’re subhuman scum. Simple as. I’m sorry if some of you normal people get caught up in the crossfire. Collateral damage of my anger.

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I’m not talking about review bombing. I’m talking about just reviews.

Of course, in this particular case there’s a lot of players who already know the game and give a review would be the first thing they do. That doesn’t mean it would be review bombing per se. Plus, im sure a lot of reviews would be positive.

Too many Springfield’s in III-V. Increasing the grind means they take longer to get to III and therefore take longer to screw themselves and their team

Wow, this thread has a lot more shit flinging than normal, I wonder why.

That’s because their optimization is worse than Hitler’s drawing skills
Have you ever seen the PS console connection system used directly on a PC?
Every console ported game from Bandai is like this
There are still a bunch of monkeys who will give them money


I have no intention as of yet to write such a review on Enlisted but on WT, after months of trying with many suggestions on my part, with more than a thousand hours, after a new shitstorm I made a lengthy critic and never played it again. So it’s not always the case that the so called veterans write a negative review only to continue playing the game


Then chill out a little bit. It’s just a game.

As for the test servers, don’t know why devs leave consoles out every time, but they are the ones who SHOULD respond to that. I know there were pleny of console gamers who wanted to play too.

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this is no bueno

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