Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam

You only need to pay to migrate it seems

But why would I do that ?

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Giving a bad review is a way to communicate something that is not working property. And since the community has been asking for some fixes since years already and never had any response, no wonder some veterans players want to give a bad review. That doesn’t mean they don’t like the game at all.


Sounds more like blackmailing than legit reviewing of the game. :man_shrugging:
“I like you, but I am going to hurt you if you are not going to act the way I want”

Grow up. Such childish mentality/approach is not healthy for anyone.


What? Why is that important in any way? All that consoles vs pc is such a stupid thing my god.

I would definitely defend console players if i knew the developers were unfair to them in any way. We are the same community at the end, we all play enlisted.


I mean just looking at warthunder situation not long ago.

If devs don’t listen on forums, and community likes the game but can’t enjoy it what do You expect?

Especially when it actually worked out, if that’s the game devs want to play so be it


Reviews are a feedback actually. If devs are smart enough they will learn from them, just like No Man’s Sky team did, and so many others


This is an early beta version
You can also get multiple unique squads

There may be a free beta version in the future
But they won’t have unique squads

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If I was developer, I would rather shut down the whole project down after such feedback from community. It is unacceptable. And if you’re think those people are in right, okay. I do not.

I guess you don’t mind being blackmailed as long as the blackmailer thinks it’s good for you.:man_shrugging:

And especially since the blackmailer lives in selfish disillusionment.


Gaijin simping lexicon got an update


Major update testing

And I’ve never seen anyone here speak positively about console players. It’s always crap like “I know it’s a lost game when I see console players” and other “hurdur console players inferior and stupid”

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Slavs only understand argument of power so it’s the ideal way of forcing them to improve the game.

Then don’t be. Because reviews (good or bad) are, like i said, just another way to communicate an opinion from the players. It’s part of the process of software development


i can’t think of any logical reason for any of this beside getting more money or that last buck.

like if premium squads aren’t overpriced already.

or how you are kinda forced to get premium to get some decent ammount of xp even if you are midly good at this game.


  • bipod are exactely the same as they were conceived.
    ( actually worse given that you get somehow more recoil to it )

  • not all clip rifles still loads with correct reloads and what not.

  • customization is straight up fucked, you have to buy the same item over the same guy across multiple campaigns.

  • we still lack basic roundels and stars for vehicles, majority of camos,

  • customs matches still lacks basic functions and many other functions,

  • br are just the same with no beneficial improvements other than the downtier for III yet any other br gets screwed. despite milions of feedbacks from the community.
    despite once again, proven that the chinese client has it better and functional.

and y’all have the audacity to do this and ask for feedbacks?

dunno, but usually money comes at a job completed either.

like, i don’t go to my boss and demand more money ahead of the job or based on promises.

i’d be fired day one ( rightfully so )

but whatever. things hasn’t really changed, and i don’t think they will at this point.


What a pure hypocrisy. You should find definition of review bombing.
And it’s definitely not legit way how to do things.

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I’m not sure if you realize it or not but thanks to the people who’ve been playing this game for so long and collected so many unique things there was a chance we could have traded it some of our stuff on steam but thanks to them paywalling us we can’t even do that now or leave any reviews on steam unless we actually bite the bullet.

just fix the bug, add a booster for join any faction and put allied spawned on your rally point in the statistic.
I will say improve the progression system too, but that is a dream.

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oh then im gonna inflate the price of mp717 that i have left (if i can sell it that is)

i assume it like CS:GO style but then again i never trade stuff so idk

It’s the most legit was of voicing your opinion if the developer don’t seem to care about your countless suggestion on the forums and bug reports.
It worked for the WT and even already worked once for us with the Stalingrad FA.
Nothing motivates dev teams like bad reviews that can be seen by everyone. Except this dev team:
I guess Darkflow dreams of becoming them and kill all potential and growth that we could achieve with Steam launch.


I read about that. Don’t know if devs explained why it was only on pc. But im sure not.

The fact that some people is stupid doesn’t mean we all must act like them you know? Do you really feel offended if some internet random hate console players?

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