I am not grasping this thing. Do we have to transition to steam? What are pros and cons? What is the cost? Deadlines?!
parrot got all his parrot delete in like second so maybe there is a shadow system going on here
you don’t have to, pros are Steam features and exclusive premium bundles, we will see about the cost, deadline is 30 days after launch
Can the bug of the gun grenade be fixed before this?
Would appreciate some clarifications. Things either are lost in translation or are intentionally vague.
Could you please provide a precise elucidation of this statement? Are you implying the possibility of discontinuing Steam support if it does not align with the distributor’s preferences? Or perhaps you will change from F2P to an acquisition fee? Furthermore, what metrics define the success?
Given the defined timeframe for transferring progress from the Gaijin launcher to Steam, it raises questions regarding its alignment with the testing phase. Is the transfer only feasible during the testing period, or will it remain available thereafter? Furthermore, could you clarify when this timeframe initiates for users? Is there a requirement to purchase a bundle in order to facilitate the progress transfer? Are we forced to pay if we want progression to transfer over to Steam?
Things are very confusing for something very generic.
You serious or screwing with all these people?
oh oof man just saw that happen in real time
We’re not allowed to point out problems in this grand game but once we go to steam things will be much worse
My steam review is already being written.
It will be long
I missed what happened can you update me
he basically saying what those delete reply were and then it got flag (i got a glimpse so i cant describe much)
Death by 1000 cuts
Now it’s not pay to win it’s pay to review on steam
Wasnt just me then.
New meta just dropped
sounds about right and I know one great man for this type of scenario
sure hope there wont be enlisted coin (i assume people know what i mean)
Why do you think it is screwing up?
In the current situation, people don’t feel the need to stay and test just unlocked guns/vehicles.
Most of them are too expensive for what they are, especially if you want to max them out. And after a few battles (on BR1-2 literally) they’ll get something better anyway.
So it’s basically just chasing what the current meta is on a particular BR and upgrading only that.
True progress and experiencing game’s content to fullest is basically non existent rn. It’s just rushing stuff out.
I believe reducing exp gains by half would be more positive than negative. Way better solution than locking everything up behind silver wall.
But whatever, that’s just my opinion. I don’t want to “screw” anyone lol.
The dog bandit basically wants to give everything to everyone without any effort whatsover. I don’t believe that’s a healthy approach to a game like Enlisted. Unless you want to see more p2w stuff in the future. Because that would be the only reason why would people spend their money on Enlisted.
This game will never be on level where only customization or non gameplay impactful things would be its main income. It will never be interesting for mainstream.