Enlisted: Reinforced is available on Steam!

No one said I should be trusted but you can go check the Russian side the Forum yourself or the post which has been hidden from the public unless you have a link to it

mod you hiring, you seem short on staff :skull: :skull: :skull:

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this topic doesnt exist. you are in limboā€¦

I guess tentacle wasnā€™t enough

Are you saying that because of half the glitches I know or how Iā€™ve just been the voice of reason here even though everyone thinks Iā€™m crazy

you are not crazy, you are just him
The Chosen One

Considering how many times @SexyTent has fried me seems about right

Sooooo, I personally think Enlisted is doing well for early access, the early days of DayZ early access were terrible.
There was also 2042, a triple A title that released a game like Early Access as a commercial version.
Show patience and pack your virtues. :smile:

Thank you I guess and have some rainbow tears because we are apparently in purgatory

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now we have parrot with his quotesā€¦

Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the first Spinjitzu master Greyparrots by using the four weapons of Spinjitzu, The Scythe Of Quakes, The Nun-Chucks Of Lightning, The Shurikens Of Ice, The Sword Of Fire. Weapons so strong, noone could handle all of their power at once, When he passed away his sons swore to protect them bit the oldest was consumed by darkness and wanted to posses them. A Battle between brothers broke out but the oldest was struck down and banished to the underworld, peace returned and the younger brother hid the weapons but knowing his older brotherā€™s ambition for power, he placed a guardian to rotect them, and for fear from his own demise a map for an honest man to hide, that honest man was your father and the older brother is lord Garmadon and i need to find those weapons before he does

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With a hand on my heart and being honest, no surprises with this release.

You are a chicken from hell.

Iā€™m not exactly sure thatā€™s a good thing to say considering we have an information blackout in a few places and the moderators have abandoned their post

Iā€™m not a chicken Iā€™m a parrot a flaming one apparently from purgatory

Lol, so parrots is conspiracy theorist now.

Did you just use an AI generator to make that weird little story ?

Just hope that they can fix these problems the fastest possible

This topic turned to this


Have you ever watched ninjago :skull: