Enlisted Pacific bingo meme

choose your fighter
choose 3 (or more) you most expect


Imo no full access or bike

Aggresive allies bias
bikes again
some new stupid mechanic no one was askin about
german weapons/vehicles :joy::ok_hand:t2:

I just want the real exp system, not Stalingrad system which is shit.

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some of the US soldier models look like TES: oblivions elves and nobody talks about them

also AI start headshotting you from 100 meters while downside hanging from a tree


I anticipate it being DOA outside of the first week because Darkflow is absolutely unable and unwilling to touch the absolute dogshit metas they’ve created leading to cancerous gameplay that’s less and less fun each and every day


I can’t lose with this selection


hmm i expect new most interesting squads of new faction hidden behind paywall instead of being in campaign

If there’s actually quality voice acting in the new factions I’m going to riot.

Well, maybe, but I can only pick 3. And I pick the ones that I’m sure will happen.

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mine looks like:

( i hope to be wrong though. and those are feeling based on nothing )

or based on previous experience :blush:

Double the price of Stalingrad lol I wouldn’t be surprised.

  • Paywalled Levels (Stalingrad Price)
  • Paywalled Customization
  • More Ugly Uniforms

Copy/paste German vehicle being a Premium lend leased Panzer III N or Panzer III J1

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OP AI in Jungle Maps
No Banzai Charge
Copy/ Paste German Gear


Can’t wait to unlock a Kar98K as the Japanese!


MP18/20(Bergmann M1920), MP34(S1-100), Mauser C96, vz24, Kar98K, Mauser Standardmodel, ZB26 etc etc… Japanese adopted lots of imported/captured German-design weapons so developers will want to copy them :confused:
Well, at least, SMGs have unique modification like different ammo, bayonet and large magazine so they are still better than others.

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imo axis cbt premium squads will have smg we never heard of and bunch of katanas , which will be exclusive to this squad in whole campaign

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