Enlisted Holiday Sale!

Yea I went on a spam of buying premiums before the merge and forgot to grabe those boys😔but if they brought a really old squad like the Browning 1918 squad back, I can see them bringing back the Lewis Gun squad.

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I’m disappointed that there’s no sale on squad slots after the merger and getting refunded for buying them on sale in the past. It would be nice if we were given a chance to rebuy them at the same price.

I haven’t spent any money on this game since the merger was announced, and the way things are going I doubt that will change soon.

yea i might wait for new year since i didnt know the old squad are at full price (gold) i probably gonna get some premium squad since i can afford at least 1

Not sure where this is from - but have you conveniently cropped the average daily players increasing by about 30000…?

Correction - I found it and yes - daily average is up by 25,000 players by that source.


Yes in MoH Airborne is pretty much duct tape magic with 2 mags

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It was hidden just in the beginning of December, give it some time to reappear)

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No discount for slot? Well not gonna spend a single gold then

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Just relaunch the game, will be fixed afterwards

I wouldn’t call that a reliable source of historical information) Great game though, finished it on my X360 back in the day. And had the pleasure talking to developers while I still was a game journo.

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Does the limited Premium Squads has an Engineer slot? @Helper


Not really any source of information though, just to remember a great game

You know what would’ve been fun? If some of the gold order stuff made a return. I want more schmeissers and g43 kurz. Only got one of them


What if I already gave Premium?

The FG42 II Sniper Version is a joke in itself, in an FPS I have never seen such dispersion, I give it 2 seconds to regain its recoil, that the shots continue to go left, right but not in the sights. It’s even worse, when you have a squad at 20 meters, you stay in semi-auto and you spam your trigger. So I swapped this crap for a Gewerth BR IV.

And don’t get me started on the subject: What FPS did you do. Because tomorrow I’m still here telling you about my life. I’m just saying that I started with Duke nukem and Shadow Warrior. Do you see the blackboard ?


Using FG42 II sniper is like playing CSGO where all bullets go in the random direction. MKB42 is my sniper choice for BR5 and FG42 II sniper is just sitting in the inventory.


But it’s not the case now, is it?
I have 4 GOs but I can as well buy it for 375 gold?


How about returning of old Battle Pass weapons? Eg: G43 Kurz?


Then it’s even better!


I remember a detail.

THE CURRENT BP weapons needed you to use gold orders first.

Because you canot normally buy current bp things with gold, only gold cards.

That must be why.

Highly recommended this if you intend on Playing Japan at all