It’s in the files why it was never used?
We would be able to see many ordinary vehicles in new coat of paint without wasting gold. It’s yet another reason why we shouldn’t be removing gold orders.
It’s in the files why it was never used?
We would be able to see many ordinary vehicles in new coat of paint without wasting gold. It’s yet another reason why we shouldn’t be removing gold orders.
always wished for those to have a greater use:
but apparently out of ( gods know’s at this point )
to improve gold orders,
devs be like: let’s remove them
I remember reading your thread and giving you heart, devs don’t seem to give a single crap about anyone’s suggestions unless we complain about it every single day.
you’d expect improvements would enhance and add things on top of the base thing,
not actively make it worse and regress the whole system
as i keep repeating, i’m sort of glad i don’t have to depend on bps anymore.
but like, could have been a nice interesting side things for veterans who has everything and give them a goal to strive to.
for example, grind the bp to get a camouflage of their choise… or anything really.
but no. maybe i’m a fool for thinking that.
devs clearly knows best. amirite
They tried to give something new to the BP by giving us some exclusive hats but after that season they quickly gave up on that idea and decided to make it the same as always, but at same time they had new ideas.
Some of them being realized with a current botched battlepass that punishes players for wanting to buy something than a new featured gun and f2p players that won’t get a single gold currency ever again.
maybe i’m in the minority here.
and as i’m pretty much, ( perhaps ) one of the few who cares about customization.
but given how customization works, ( aka, each items in order to be equiable, has to be included in each squads, meaning for 20 squads across 3 presets each ( which means, having to add 300 times this hat for all type of squads ) i’m very glad they gave up on that idea. purly though out, and detrimental in the long run.
because cosmetics should be available to all squads as long aren’t rare pieces or cosmetics that grants advantages ( such as ghillies, leibermuster, and very few others such as the filthy 13s hairs )
the rest imo should be available.
mostly because it’s still an investement, and even with this new type of bp requires lots of cards. which i personally wouldn’t bother and straight up buy.
i do care about customization being historical accurate for my squads. authentic looks with correct pouches for my dudes.
in the bp, they literally gave the earflap down version of the SG default hat as unique.
and worse,
resulting in:
not being able to wear any squad with this headgear
( can’t even fully wear a sniper / radio squad, let alone engineers / at squads, flametroopers / assaulters and not even a rifleman squad that tipically have more than 4 members )
this hat had to be equipped for others campaign presets. meaning wouldn’t port over.
( so at best, you had the ability to wear 2 dudes for only 2 of the 3 campaign presets )
only for one faction
in the long run, you can’t have enough cosmetic pieces for bps
and you’re effectively damaging the cosmetic selection for all squads by removing and making scarce the normal cosmetic selection
forever lost in a bp. of which if you couldn’t obtain them because you weren’t playing at that time or didn’t had the change. say goodbye to it.
a total waste of time
so, as briefly specified at the beginning of this message, the time it takes to introduce these hats is a huge tasks. especially like they did to implement this hat to all squads, you are just better off using the same effort and make it available from the get go. hell, even implement a system that if you unlocked it from the bp, you were able to buy it at a cheaper price, or get enough for free.
but no. they keep going for the lazy and pourly thought out methods.
( now, there is an argument that the customization sucks ass. and i can’t even do what i would ideally love to do. but that’s another discussion for another time )
so, i’m very glad they ditched the idea.
so true