Enlisted Battle Pass

I think it may be more worse than current “score-XP-tickets” system.
Let’s see in the future, it will take longer or shorter time to getting a weapon/soldier supply.

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Overall I still don’t see why everyone is whining over how you can get only 1 out of 4 special guns. I would like it if we could get 1 gun for every campaign but I’m personally fine with it. As for all the other things they all sound pretty good. overall 7/10, pretty good

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Because that one weapon will most likely be locked under the paywall. I think F2P battlepass should have at least ONE ticket as well as paid battlepass. (To make paid battlepass good bonus, but not the only way how to get “real” rewards out of it)

If you do not have anything constructive to add and only want to be sarcastic, just don’t comment, dude. I am not answering your posts, which are obviously only there to bait negative reactions, any further.



The positives:
I like the game
I like the idea of commanding a squad

I’d like to see improved:
orders to squad/members
stop content explosion
stop making the game grindy
I am ok with paying, but not with op stuff, fomo abuse, imbalance due to too many weapons.

The devs should do themselves a favor and try to keep the game simple in order to be able to keep it fixed.
If they need money, make the progression slow and ask for a yearly fee for premium time. Or e. g. you need some coins to upgrade your soldiers/weapons after accumulating enough xp, but keep the weapons and soldiers the same for everyone. No imbalanced stuff.
That’s why i’d also like to see no battle pass and no battle pass reward. Not 4 rare guns instead of 1 like some ask for, but 0 instead of 1. (it’s the smaller step :smiley:)
And don’t force players to play. This kills the motivation.

After the 1st Battle Pass in War Thunder I felt exhausted and realized that i had much less fun playing so i decided to ignore the 2nd one. I couldn’t ignore it entirely but I go for a much lower goal and do much more free play (not task related - i have my own goals which generate my own tasks in the game) and this way i can enjoy it again.

They must choose between either making the game F2P and not forcing the players to pay, or making the game pay to play. If the game is forcing you to pay a yearly fee, it is not F2P.

A game tends to earn much more money if it is actually enjoyable whether you pay or not, and you get the feeling you can pay as much as you want, without having the feeling you got forced into a purchase.

Yep doesn’t worry me either - this is the LEAST of the issues with the game at the moment and people are wasting so much space on it :confused:

The whole progression thing is still opaque to me - how will BP affect progression if at all?

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As far as I understand:

Core progression is not changing (getting orders from battle XP and using them on loot crates), despite them saying we would get less RNG in the loot crates. However, they are adding 2 more types of orders on top of the current “bronze” orders:

  • Silver orders: Guarantee what weapon you get, but it gains a random amount of upgrades, meaning it may be worth 1 gun, or 10+, depending on the amount of upgrades you get for free.
  • Gold orders: Redeemable for 1 specific thing, or 1 of few things. In this case, 1 5* soldier and 1 of the 4 guns announced.

These orders are obtainable through the battle pass. The battle pass also comes with tasks, such as “cap X points”, or “kill X dudes”. Once these are completed, they reward XP towards the battle pass levels and one or more bronze orders. The battle pass will be rewarding more orders as well, in additions to its other “contents”: gold coins (no other stuff has been announced, but I’d hope for propaganda posters and other cosmetic stuff).

It has not been said whether the gold orders are locked behind the premium part of the battle pass. The gold coins most likely will be.

Can Springfield M1903 with Pederson device change the fire mode? I mean from bolt action to semiauto and from semiauto to bolt action.

keep thinking like this and you will see how you and 3 others are going to play the game

And nobody else. :rofl:

Timegating is tottaly fair at this point, since you upgrade with tasks and not XP.

Except your “task XP” is tripled if you paid. Really not that “fair” lol

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That is my fear right now, will be a Double pass, a free that reward you with less things but you can get the gold orders and a Premium that get you more silver order, gold coins and more shit? or a COD like pass that you can get the first lvls for free and than has to buy the premium?

Better than CoD “20 lvls for free and the rest is paid” system.

Indeed. I think it’s better already and I haven’t even played it yet!!

So far the monetizatione practices have been fair and varied leaving me with a high level of investment in the game and simply wanting more!

I can’t want to see what else is in store for us as the devs continue to work on the game.


Against lots of bots and enjoying it probably!

Some people have mentioned the WT battle pass - I play a lot of WT and TBH the BP there is easy - I might have to change 1 or 2 things a few times in the 2 1/2 months to get a challenge or 2… but otherwise it is just “play as usual and get stuff” for me.


I doubt it, I while it was a relatively quick conversion, it still took some time as you would need to remove the entire device and change calibers.

15 seconds according to wiki - and no need to change calibers - the rifle is .30, the pistol bullet is .30 - all you change is the bolt.